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Y/N's POV:

"Y/N! Wait!"

I ignore the shouts and just keep on walking straight ahead. If I can make it to class fast enough, I won't have to talk to her.

I'm lucky this time. The bell rings right as I enter the classroom and walk to my seat. Laura looks at me from the door, her eyes full of sadness, but she doesn't come in and instead continues on to her classroom.

I'm almost relieved. But right at that moment I remember that it's first period. That means I'm sitting next to Black-Haired Boy. I still haven't forgotten what happened a few days ago. In fact, it's very fresh in my mind.


I really want to skip lunch but I'm too hungry this time. Of course, Laura finds me as soon as I enter the cafeteria. Damn my stupid hungry stomach.

"Y/N", she shouts as she makes her way over to me. Even though I'm disappointed by her I can't help but notice how adorable she is while hurriedly trying to avoid bumping into people on her way.

"Please! Just hear me out!", she begs when she finally reaches me. I keep on walking but I have to stop eventually to wait in line. That's when Laura lets all the words she has kept contained so far pour out of her mouth:

"I'm really sorry. I saw you being cornered but I swear I wasn't there from the beginning. I hate how everyone always comes to watch when Sophia pulls shit like this! I really didn't want to be one of them but I happened to pass by and when I saw you there ... I'm very sorry I didn't do anything. I guess I was just too scared."

I avoid looking at her but I can feel her sincerity. Maybe I was too harsh with her. I let my already vulnerable emotions decide for me and didn't even try to think of Laura's perspective. Now that I allow myself to really, actually think about it, I'm not even sure whether I would have done anything if I had been in her place. Maybe I'm more of a coward than I want to admit.

Promptly, I turn my head to face Laura. "I'm sorry too! I should have tried to see things from your point of view. But I felt so angry and hurt that I didn't think about that. I hope we can still be friends!"

It takes Laura a moment to comprehend my words. But once she does, her whole face lights up and she stumbles forward to trap me in a tight embrace. I'm a bit dumbfounded; that's the most affection someone has shown me in a long time.


"So her name's Sophia", I mumble once Laura and I have bought lunch and are seated at a table in the back of the cafeteria. 

Laura nods. "Yeah. Everyone here knows her. It's nothing new that she bullies people, but in your case it's kinda weird."

I raise my eyebrows. So far, Sophia has seemed very committed to her decision to bully me.

"I mean, usually she has a good reason why she does it. Of course, it's not like she's the defender of the weak or the wielder of social justice, but some of her choices I can understand. Though I'm not a fan of bullying either way."

"You're right, it is weird that she chose me as her new victim. I have never even seen her before! But whatever, maybe she'll calm down soon enough ... Hopefully."

Laura offers me a sympathetic smile. "I hope so too."

"But has no one ever stood up to her? Do people here just let her do her thing?", I ask.

Laura nods. "Yeah, pretty much. You see, Sophia's very charismatic. I guess that's why."

Oh yeah, that I know for sure. Charismatic and gorgeous. Dangerous weapons.

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