Chapter 3

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After Jane Xingsui returned to her room, she sat beside the bed to rest.

When he was sitting beside the bed, he accidentally touched his wound. After rolling up his long sleeves, he saw that some dazzling scratches. It was pushed down and fell. Of course, this was not the protagonist An Ran himself. Yes, it was the hand of the security guard who patrolled the street.

Everyone said that An Ran was kind and simple, but Jian Xingsui didn't think so. He tried to make a stimulant on purpose, and made use of the security guard's arrival time. In the end, he fainted in the pose of a victim. Everyone felt that he was wronged and bullied, and in the end, everyone felt that he was the only one who was the most sinful person.

Jian Xingsui poked at the wound and took a breath unconsciously: "Hi..."

It hurts so much I knew I should go buy some medicine in the afternoon.

I don't know if there is any anti-inflammatory water in this house, or I should go out and buy some myself.

Jian Xingsui came out of the room, but he didn't see the couple, so he didn't have to say hello and went downstairs. He was not familiar with the environment here, but many people got off work in the evening. When they came out of the store, they all looked at him, and some people even talked in a small voice:

"Is that the child?"

"I heard that his character is very bad."

"Look at the clothes he wears, tsk tsk..."

Jian Xing When Sui heard what they said, he simply stopped when he passed a glass door and looked at himself. He was wearing ripped trousers, his hair was yellow, and his bangs were so long that he covered his eyes. A spiritual boy in society.

He didn't go to the pharmacy, so he gave up and went directly to a barber shop.

The owner of the barber shop was stunned when he saw him, and then he said nervously, "Young man, do you want to wash your hair or what hairstyle do you want?"

After reliving his whole life, Jian Xingsui's aesthetics are not the same as before. He didn't know what was wrong before, he liked to pursue trends and fashion, and thought that was his personality, but now I don't know why, it seems that after being born again It's different: "Cut it directly, and I want to dye it black."

The barber shop owner said, "It's fine, it's fine."

Because both sides reached an agreement quickly, the action was quick, and the hair was dyed black and grew long. His bangs were cut off, and the face of the person who looked a little gloomy at first was completely revealed. He actually has a pair of very big eyes, but they are always covered by bangs. Now he is clean and tidy, and his mental appearance also seems to be Refreshed.

The owner of the barber shop said: "It is said that to test a person's appearance is to cut an inch. You are really not bad, young man."

Jian Xingsui glanced at it and smiled softly: "Thank you."

The boy with red lips and white teeth Some shy smiles were shown in the mirror, and the barber shop owner was stunned for a while, and said with a slight emotion: "You look good when you smile. When you entered the store just now, I was a little nervous."

Jian Xingsui was suspicious: "Why? "

I don't know." The owner of the barber shop is also an honest man. He touched his head and said naively, "Maybe it's just the feeling of aura, I don't know how to describe it."

He couldn't say it, but Jian Xingsui was There are numbers.

In the world of this book, he is a vicious cannon fodder character, so he has the magnetic field of vicious cannon fodder. It is destined that many people will not like him at first sight, and will even develop a heart of resistance and vigilance. Come on, on the contrary, the protagonist has an aura of affinity and is naturally likable.

 The cannon fodder fake young master was stunned after being reborn (BL) (MTL)Where stories live. Discover now