Chapter 10

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After Jian Xingsui heard what Shen Xingchen said, of course he completely believed it.

He has been a fan of Fu Jinxiao for a long time. At first, he liked his singing. Later, when he came into contact with this person, he was gradually conquered by Fu Yingdi's talent. Then, he slowly got to know this person and knew that he was in the entertainment industry. The hard work, knowing that he is serious about things and the efforts he has made, starts with talent and is loyal to his character.

So, he chuckled lightly, nodded, and said quite seriously: "Well, of course I know, Brother Fu's people are very good."

Shen Xingchen originally said that casually, who knew that Jian Xingsui would actually nod his head so earnestly in agreement, since the beginning of his acquaintance, this young man has always been very low-key and silent. Shen Xingchen thought that this guy was a sullen gourd, but at this moment, when he mentioned Fu Jinxiao, his eyes seemed to be smug. Shining like light, with a shallow smile on his face, Shen Xingchen felt a little stunned when he saw the truth.

Could this guy be a fan of Brother Fu?

It's a sin...

After talking for a while, the performances of the instructors in the opening session have ended, and all the instructors are seated on the jury seat. Fu Jinxiao is highly qualified and has a high status in the industry. Of course, he sat in the middle position, next to Thailand. Singing and dancing female star Tuya is flanked by hip-hop rap players Liu Shuang and Li Zeming.

Li Zeming is a comedian and entertainment actor, but he has experience in forming a group in his early years. This time, half of his responsibility is to act as a host. He said: "Thank you for coming to "Starlight", the next performance of each of you is about you. Destiny, our instructors will rate your professionalism, and the audience will vote for your performances. There are always a few fights in life. I hope everyone can show and express themselves on their own stage, and dont leave any Sorry!"

The field was very hot, and the players applauded.

So soon the first group of people came on stage to perform. The first group was an idol group, but all of them performed relatively average.

This caused quite a stir.

It also made many students who had not performed yet even more nervous.

Wen Shengge, a cute little boy sitting on the other side of Jian Xingsui, said softly, "This year's tutor is very strict."

Jian Xingsui nodded lightly.

Only Shen Xingchen sneered after hearing this: "That's because the few people in this group are all cannon fodder."


Really dare to say.

But the fact is true. The backstage of this group is not strong, and their strength is average, so they didn't even get the extra test, let alone the score. Jian Xingsui also understands that his destiny at that time will definitely be the same. This is a short-lived passing scene, maybe after today, Fu Jinxiao won't even remember his name, but it's enough, that's all.

After several groups in a row, it was finally the turn of Jian Xingsui's acquaintance. Teacher Li shouted loudly, "The next one is Fengxiang Entertainment, TH Xiaofeixiang Group!"

It was An Ran's group.

With the foreshadowing of the previous groups, as soon as An Ran's group appeared, they all had the ability to sing and dance, especially An Ran, who looked very handsome, and the songs he sang sounded very nice.

 The cannon fodder fake young master was stunned after being reborn (BL) (MTL)Where stories live. Discover now