Chapter 73

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Shen Xingsui took the phone and said, "No, no one..."

He didn't know why he wanted to cover up subconsciously and lied.

Fortunately, Shen Minglang didn't force him, and didn't get to the bottom of it. He just kept his eyes on the phone for a long time, and finally nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll go over first, and you can come here too."

Shen Xingsui nodded hurriedly.

Shen Minglang turned to leave, and Shen Xingsui picked up the phone and said to the people inside, "Hey, Mr. Fu, are you still there?" The other end of

the phone was silent for a while.


Fu Jinxiao laughed lightly. The man's smile seemed to be a little cool. He slowly lengthened the ending: "What, Mr. Fu, don't I have no one?"

Shen Xingsui froze.

He didn't expect that Teacher Fu had listened to it in such detail just now...

Moreover, how should this be explained?

"Why?" Fu Jinxiao's voice sank. When his tone was low, it gave people a sense of sternness without anger and self-righteousness: "Is it a shame to call me?

" It's a very strange experience.

However, in the past, his career has flourished in recent years, and people's fame and status have rarely encountered such a wall, let alone making a phone call, even trying to say a word is extremely difficult.

It has also been a long time, and Emperor Fu Ying never thought that he would have a day when he would be secretly disliked by others.

Shen Xingsui hurriedly explained, "That's not the case, Mr. Fu, you misunderstood. Just now, the situation was rather special, because my brother asked me to eat earlier. Actually, that's not what I meant..."

He might have been too flustered, so he explained it. When the bull's head is not the horse's mouth.

But as smart as Fu Jinxiao, he has fully realized this meaning. To put it bluntly, it is not because he is afraid of being scolded by his parents. Although he understands, Fu Yingdi never suffers.

Fu Jinxiao said, "It seems that I disturbed you." How

could Shen Xingsui feel that the idol bothered you: "I didn't bother."

"Then my previous invitation..."

"I'm free." Shen Xingsui now feels that I felt a little guilty, so I simply agreed: "You can choose the time and place."

Fu Jinxiao's eyes flashed a smile, but his tone was not obvious: "Will it not waste your time?"

Shen Xingsui Immediately: "Not at all, I haven't had any announcements recently, I'm not busy."

Just as the call was about to speak, footsteps sounded outside, which sounded like mother's footsteps. Shen Xingsui felt inexplicably guilty, and hurriedly said Goodbye and hung up.

When I came out of the house, I did meet Xu Enzhen.

Xu Enzhen said, "It's time to eat, have Suishui washed up?"

Shen Xingsui nodded, "I'm fine."

"Well, the pork ribs soup your grandma made is a must, it's very delicious, you must try it. With a smile on Xu Enzhen's face, she said, "I've been thinking about this all the time."

Shen Xingsui: "Then I'll try it too."

Xu Enzhen nodded, and she said with some emotion: "Although my mother is also considered a People who have tasted a lot of food, but if you have to say it, your grandma's pork rib soup, and the old lady of Fu's family, the soup noodles she makes are really outstanding. It just so happens that we are going to Fu's family to participate in their soup tomorrow. Maybe the dinner party will be delicious?"

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