Chapter 9

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After finally dealing with Shen Xingchen, Jian Xingsui noticed that there were two other people in their dormitory. One had a cute student's head cut and looked very cute and cute, and the other looked like Very honest and steady, after noticing his searching eyes, he just nodded coldly and said, "Hello, Ning Ze."

The cute-looking student came over and greeted warmly: "Hello, I'm Wen Shengge."

Jian Xing Sui also reached out to meet them: "Hello, Jian Xingsui."

The three people in the entire dormitory got along quite harmoniously, except for Shen Xingchen, who was next to him, like the emperor, who walked directly to a bunk to sit on. Going down, swaggeringly: "I'll sleep here, since you guys don't sleep."


It's not that you don't sleep, it's that you haven't chosen at all.

Only Jian Xingsui knows how domineering and outrageous this young master is, but the other two people also saw it at this moment, but Wen Shengge chose another bed as if he had expected it. Ning Ze never likes to talk. I also chose another one by myself. Anything that might be noisy in other dormitories is not a problem in this dormitory.

After selecting the dormitory, the staff said, "Please pack up and go to the recording site!"

Although Jian Xingsui was the last choice, other dormitories were allocating beds and introducing each other, and their dormitories basically did not It needs to be assigned, and the self-introduction is also very short, so it is actually the first one in the group to arrive at the recording site. The program team's recording site is very well-intentioned this time, and the spotlights are flickering in the huge venue, because Jian Xingsui's group is the first One came in, and the result was naturally noticed by the audience in the live broadcast room.

"It's him, it's the little brother with a small head."

"There's a spiky head in a leather jacket next to it."

"Wow, this group of people is like a gangster for a protection fee."

"Hahahaha, I'm dying of laughter."

Because Shen Xingchen was at the front, followed by Jian Xingsui and Ning Ze, a few honest people, and Shen Xingchen at the front looked very arrogant, a kind of big brother's aura really like big brother with little brothers Out of the street, so many viewers were amused, but they remembered a few people's names by accident.

Then, most of the players entered the field one by one.

Shen Xingchen sat next to Jian Xingsui and looked at the players who entered the arena, he could actually recognize which company half of them were from, and whispered to Jian Xingsui,

"I have seen this guy before, the first two Zhou is still shopping with a girlfriend, and now he is still on stage saying that he has been single for 20 years."

"Have you seen that person, let me tell you secretly, he has a gold owner and two more."

"What's wrong with that person's eyes, do you believe it?"

Jian Xingsui was sitting on pins and needles beside him, so he had to explain embarrassingly: "I believe it."

Shen Xingchen sneered, and the laugh was not small.

The two of them, Shen Xingchen, were signed a contract and needed special attention to be given to the camera. After all, the Shen family has a great wealth, and if they want to give Shen Xingchen the camera, Jian Xingsui, who is next to him, can't be missed, but these two have to say something. What the audience couldn't listen to, the photographer was very anxious, so they could only keep giving the telephoto lens, so the audience would always see these two people whispering together from a distance, so it played a particularly good role.

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