Chapter 44

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Today can be said to be the carnival of the Internet.

After Zhang Xiangyang told the story, because the live broadcast room was so popular, a lot of people even began to gather next to their courtyard, and the appearance of these people also made An Ran feel alert. Today, because he was on a private trip, The mobile phone he brings is his usual mobile phone. He has a habit of muting his mobile phone when he has a private itinerary.

What he didn't expect was that one day he would be hurt badly by this habit.

After I opened the screen, I found dozens of missed calls, and WeChat messages exploded. The first thing I noticed after I opened the screen was the message from the agent:

"Hurry up and stop talking!"

"Someone is here. Secretly filming upstairs!"

"Did you get carried away? You!!"

When An Ran learned that someone was secretly filming - she deliberately slammed - all of a sudden, the whole person was - momentarily - black, and the whole person was almost Unsteady, in addition to the agent sending him a message, the Jian family also sent a message to himself, and the first person who sent the most was Jian Zhi: "What's the matter? What are those words you said? What do you mean?"

followed by Jian Kuo. Jian Kuo's news naturally had some questioning meaning: "Ran Ran, didn't you say that you have cut off contact with the Zhang family, why are you still calling their parents?"

Yes, in order to establish his filial and sensible character in front of others, and to please the people of the Jian family, he always took the attitude of cutting off contact with the Zhang family, but now, he is a father. Mom, but it was all broadcast live. Originally, he had torn apart with the Zhang family, but now he is in crisis in his own family!

An Ran quickly replied: "No, Dad, I'll explain it to you later."

At this moment, he really realized what it was like to be indifferent, and he was so cramped, how much did he realize that Jian Xingsui was banned by the whole network at the beginning. Speechless in times of violence.


Neighbors gathered in the yard outside, as well as melon eaters who came to hear the news.

Neighbors sighed with emotion:

"Why are the two children not biological?"

"At the beginning, I hated Suishui's return, so that's what happened."

"Jian Xingsui is really pitiful."

An Ran felt anxious . , I just want to get out of here quickly, go back to discuss countermeasures with the economic man, and explain to Jian's family well, but when he opened the door and walked out, he was stopped by a person.

Xiao Zhang grabbed An Ran's hand and said, "Ran Ran!"

An Ran was stunned: "Who are you?"

"It's me, I came to school with you before." Xiao Zhang breathed softly : "Don't you remember me, Ran

Ran , I've been thinking about you all the time. I was in the courtyard just now. Is what you said true?" I left, so I was also very impatient with Xiao Zhang: "I'm sorry, I don't remember, you get out of the way."

Xiao Zhang still didn't give up: "Ran Ran, I believe you are not that kind of person, can you explain to me - can you? ?"

An Ran frowned, annoyed: "Why should I explain to you?"

 The cannon fodder fake young master was stunned after being reborn (BL) (MTL)Where stories live. Discover now