Chapter 76

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Maybe today is also an unforgettable day for Emperor Fu.

It's not the first time I've been confessed, but it's the first time I'm so nervous, so ups and downs, I haven't had time to get a taste of what it's like to be confessed, and one of the people who confessed came. reaction.

Fu Jinxiao looked down at him and asked, "But what?"

"But..." Shen Xingsui looked up at him, this time with a little calmness, as if thinking about it: "I finally understand that this matter is not the only one Love this kind of like."


A question mark appeared from Fu Jinxiao's head.

Shen Xingsui leaned against the railing and said softly, "Mr. Fu, you always take care of me, teach me, and be a teacher as well as a friend, so that I can understand that I really don't have to be together to be happy, and I can be the one you taught me. Student,

I am also very happy to have known you and received your teachings."

Fu Jinxiao was a little confused, but he was greatly shocked.

"So..." Shen Xingsui looked at another firework rising in the sky. He smiled and looked back. In the light and shadow of the fireworks, his smile was bright, and Fu Jinxiao's figure was reflected in his clear eyes, and he said softly: "Let those thoughts that I should have and shouldn't have in the past let it pass. In the new year, I am ready to welcome a new life."

Fireworks exploded in the air, and the shocking voice was like the heart of Fu Yingdi.

He was also used to seeing strong winds and waves, but at this moment he was a little stunned when he saw Shen Xingsui's bright face. Of course, even listening to what Shen Xingsui said was equally incomprehensible. Maybe no one's life will be better than his today. The experience is even more outrageous. The next second after being confessed, the confession is unilaterally ended.

Fu Jinxiao wanted to talk, but at first, he was almost laughed at.

However, Shen Xingsui didn't seem to notice at all, and even opened his hands at him: "Mr. Fu, happy new year, let's work hard for the new year together?"

Fu Jinxiao has never felt that Happy New Year is so ironic in his life.

He didn't accept this kind of hug at all, but when he raised his eyes, he met Shen Xingsui's eyes again. He didn't seem to be as relaxed and calm as he showed. In the cold wind, the fair face of the handsome young man in a suit seemed to be on the tip of the nose. Because it was cold and red, those eyes that were always misty were also circled red at the moment, and he stood there, as if this hug with the meaning of request was made with all the strength of his whole body.

It was a ghost, Fu Jinxiao took a step forward, and the environment stopped him.

It was a little cold in his arms, and the stiff body gradually softened. Fu Jinxiao seemed to hear a faint whimper. It seemed that the one who was unilaterally ended was himself, but the person in his arms seemed to be even more sad.

However, Shen Xingsui buried his head in his arms, and Weng Li said angrily, "I'm so happy."

Tears rolled down his cheeks and landed on Fu Jinxiao's golden suit, which quickly melted away without leaving behind. The slightest trace will not even be found by the owner of the clothes.

Shen Xingsui's voice contained a hint of trembling, but he repeated it on the other side with a slight smile: "I'm really happy."

Fu Jinxiao whispered: "Why?"

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