Chapter 52

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Good morning kisses made Shen Xingsui's heart a little broken.

It's not for any other reason, but because he is really afraid of how annoying his rude behavior is. Originally, it was difficult for him, but he may have a little friendship with Fu Jinxiao, which should be already in the eyes of idols. A junior who is not annoying, I didn't expect to be sent to do this kind of thing.

If he is hated, he must be sad and want to cry.

The director was still saying sarcastic words there: "Sui Sui, don't waste time, hurry up, go early, come back early."

Why does this sound like an early death and early childcare.

Shen Xingsui had no choice, since he had come to the show, it wasn't the time when he could be hypocritical, so he put on his clothes, washed briefly, and then went out.

It's just dawn.

The sky outside is hazy, the town is close to the mountains, and the green mountains not far away meander into a line, surrounded by clouds and mist, and the inside of the mansion is very quiet.

The director urged in a low voice, "Come on."

Shen Xingsui then set his eyes on the door beside him, took a deep breath in the morning light, and then walked slowly to Fu Jinxiao's door and stopped.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were anxiously waiting:

"I can see from Suishui's face that death is like returning home."

"I am a fan of Brother Fu, I was a little jealous at first, but seeing his expression now, I laughed hahaha "

I'm sorry, it's a little sad, but it's funny."

"Sui Suisui is really cute."

Actually, someone like Shen Xingsui who didn't fight, didn't look for the camera, wouldn't be noticed by everyone. But this kid is really sincere. He takes many things seriously and has been working hard all the time. With the gradual deepening of understanding, the audience will slowly fall in love with him.


The door was slowly pushed open.

Shen Xingsui's whole person seemed to be on the first level of alert, his breathing slowed down, and he even made a "shush" gesture to the camera behind him.

Fu Jinxiao's room is similar to their room layout. The whole room has a low-temperature air conditioner, and it is very quiet. Shen Xingsui came in as lightly as a thief. With the dim light of the early morning, he finally saw it. At the innermost, Fu Yingdi's bed.

The audience in the live broadcast room was more presumptuous than him:

"Ah, ah, I saw it!"

"Brother Fu looks so handsome when sleeping."

"Husband, husband, I want to be with you!"

Shen Xingsui was not as excited and happy as they were. When I saw that the man on the bed was sleeping with his eyes closed, and there seemed to be a layer of dark green under his eyes, it was inevitable that he felt distressed.

The photographer behind him gestured for him to hurry up.

Shen Xingsui took a deep breath, walked up slowly, stood by the bed, hesitated for a while and didn't dare to bend down to kiss. It always looks kind and harmless, but when you fall asleep, the cold indifference is displayed as much as possible, giving the impression that it is like a flower on a high mountain, which can only be seen from a distance.

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