Chapter 16

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When the A results were announced, there was an uproar in the audience.

It actually went straight to A, what level is this! Terrible too! And this is still through the unanimous decision of the mentors, and, this person, can't dance! On this basis, getting an A is enough to show the strength of this person's singing.

The audience was also shocked:

"It's A."

"Counterattack on the script!"

"Hahahaha, I have always liked this little brother."

Jian Xingsui's hand holding the microphone became unstable, he bowed deeply He thanked his mentor and couldn't believe his rating. The moment he looked from the stage to the stage, he saw the mentors looking at him with a smile, and the admiration and admiration from the rest of the players. , in a trance like a fantasy.

Can he really do that too?

Can you get an A even if you're just a small cannon fodder?

Fu Jinxiao said, "Come here."

The actor's deep voice awakened Jian Xingsui from his trance. He quickly walked over and saw Fu Jinxiao and Tuya standing up together, the blonde beauty also had a smile on her face. Enthusiastic smile: "I knew you could do it."

Jian Xingsui smiled shyly.

When Xiao Cuntou is happy, it is a little silly, but it also gives people a kind of cute feeling.

Tuya gently took off the C brand on his waist. She raised her head and said to Jian Xingsui, "Congratulations on saying goodbye to C, you have successfully advanced."

Jian Xingsui said with some stumbling: "It's all thanks to your mentor. ."

Tuya stepped back gently, Fu Jinxiao stood behind her, the actor was tall and straight, he was standing under the spotlight, looking at himself quietly, that handsome face with a shallow expression at the moment, he always had a smile, but this time, he opened his lips and called his name: "Jian Xingsui."

Jian Xingsui's heart tightened: "Yes"

"Congratulations." Fu Jinxiao took a step forward, and the slender hand was holding a sticker with a golden A written on it. The actor bent down and hung it for Jian Xingsui, and then stood up straight again, looked up at him and said, "No one lifts you up, you won it yourself. This card rewards you for facing challenges bravely." Beside Tuya, he said warmly, "It rewards you for being creative and not afraid of difficulties."

Mr. Li teased, "But it's also a reward you've worked hard to win."

I don't know why Jian Xingsui's nose was sore when he heard a simple sentence or two. He nodded lightly, and then deeply bow.

There was a roar of applause from the audience, and he stepped off the stage.

In the next few rounds of competition, there were winners and losers, and some were successfully promoted to Group B, but there was absolutely no one who successfully advanced to A. Jian Xingsui's success has become a kind of unrepeatable.

And going back at night, just when many people were immersed in the beautiful dreams of the theme song, when everyone was sleeping soundly and woke up the next morning to face a new and hopeful day, a broadcast sounded: "Please everyone Everyone gathered in the training room, and we will announce the theme song assessment project."

Everyone woke up like a dream, and some even rolled out of bed.

After arriving in the training room, many people were still yawning, as if they had not woken up, that is, after seeing the camera, some people were awake.

 The cannon fodder fake young master was stunned after being reborn (BL) (MTL)Where stories live. Discover now