Chapter 103

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When the news broke, the audience was in an uproar.

Not only Shen Xingsui, but everyone was shocked. Everyone here, I am afraid only Fu Jinxiao above is the most calm. He smiled and looked down. Regarding the matter of saying goodbye to the stage and leaving the entertainment industry, he He didn't show the slightest pessimism and reluctance, just as indifferent as when he stood on the stage for the first time.

A reporter finally couldn't help but said, "Mr. Fu, is this your impulsive decision?"

"No." Fu Jinxiao opened his lips: "I've been thinking about it for a long time."

This sentence seems to mark this period of time. a full stop.

Some people may feel that announcing their relationship will lead to a low career, some fans will lose their fans if they want to force them, and of course some people will publish various conspiracy theories, but he is not afraid, he is chic and calm, just like when he wanted to enter the entertainment industry. I broke in alone, and now I want to leave, it will not be a pity for that golden halo.

The reporters asked questions one after another:

"Mr. Fu, did you quit the circle because of your relationship?"

"Will you be secluded behind the scenes when you quit the circle?"

"Have you thought about the future?"

"Worry about quitting ? Is there no suitable place to go after the circle?"

Everyone's question is relatively sharp, but it is indeed a problem that everyone is paying attention to, especially now that the live broadcast room is still open, and the influx of viewers are all because of small nervousness. Hold your breath.

After listening to these questions, Fu Jinxiao smiled and replied: "Half half, filming and singing are my pleasures, but these awards have been won, and the experience and experience of being an actor have already been obtained, but it's just that I just want to change the environment and experience a different life."

"Half of it is because my family always wanted me to go back and help." Fu Jinxiao looked at Shen Xingsui next to him, his voice smiling: "Including if you retire. If you come down, you can spend more time with him."

As soon as these words came out, the audience was in an uproar.

For a long time, including the evaluation of Fu Yingdi by the media and the public, it was said that this man was a big straight man, because no matter what occasion he was in, he never received ambiguous branches from some female stars, and even always They are all clean, and have no bad reputation. Everyone thinks that he is too straight and does not understand romance.

But now, that's not the case.

His romance is limited, his romance is firm, his romance is to stand on the stage of infinite scenery, and he is willing to go on and become an audience of love.


This press conference detonated all the media platforms tonight.

# Fu Jinxiao Announces Love#

# Fu Jinxiao withdraws from the circle#

# "Lone City" Press Conference#

These three hot searches have all been marked with the word explosion, and some people who have just gotten off work and haven't had time to watch the live broadcast are directly searched for I was shocked and even wondered if this was a fake hot search:

"No, no, no."

"Ye Qingjie"

"One blow is not enough, double blow."

 The cannon fodder fake young master was stunned after being reborn (BL) (MTL)Where stories live. Discover now