Chapter 94

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Shen Xingsui was shocked at the speed at which his mother changed her face.

However, Fu Jinxiao was not really willing to let him hold the box, and instead handed it over to Wu Ma next to him. After the nanny took it, Fu Jinxiao asked some precautions before giving up.

Xu Enzhen whispered to Lina in front, and the two juniors walked behind.

Fu Jinxiao looked at Shen Xingsui's brows and said in a low voice, "It seems that both your uncle and you, Shen Minglang, are inside."

Shen Xingsui looked at him in surprise and said, "How do you know."

Fu Jinxiao curled her lips: "You should be able to guess from the way my aunt looked at me just now. Did they know about us?"

Shen Xingsui nodded lightly, and he whispered with some guilty conscience, "I told my family about it. ."

Said without discussing it in advance, Shen Xingsui was actually a little nervous in his heart.

What he didn't expect was that the man beside him just chuckled softly, Shen Xingsui raised his head to meet his handsome eyebrows, Fu Jinxiao's face was gentle, and he said slowly: "It's not a shameful thing to do, early. It 's time to say it."

Shen Xingsui felt relieved seeing him like this.

Then, he thought of the expressions of his father and brother, and whispered, "But Dad and the others don't seem to agree..."

If an ordinary person were to face the head of Shen's family, he might face Shen's youngest chairman for a while. Some people made things difficult, and they would have been nervous for a long time and didn't know what to do, but Fu Jinxiao couldn't.

After entering the door, all eyes in the living room came over.

Fu Jinxiao's mouth curled into a smile, and he said hello: "Hello, uncle."

Shen Minglang next to him swept his eyes coldly, Fu Jinxiao's smile did not diminish, and he was not in a hurry: "Minglang, it's a coincidence, the last appointment was made. I don't have time to play golf because of the schedule, so I'll be the host and play together another day."

Shen Minglang closed the magazine, yin and yang angrily said: "Do you still have time to be a businessman, this is my home, isn't it a coincidence?"

"Oh yes?" Fu Jinxiao opened his voice slowly, the corners of his mouth were filled with anger and not worth his life The smile: "Then I'll have to come often in the future, lest you really miss you."

Shen Minglang: "..."

Only ghosts will miss you.

Fu Jinxiao took out an exquisite gift box from his pocket and put it on the table in front of Shen Yong, his voice was kind: "Uncle, I was on a business trip abroad some time ago, and happened to participate in an auction. This watch is a master watch craftsman. The last out-of-print work before Mr. Richard's death was auctioned off by chance, thinking that you have always been a researcher on clocks, so I brought it here for your evaluation."

Shen Yong's eyes fell on the box, the box The layman who is opened, and a clock is exposed.

Lao Shi, who has seen many big scenes, is also attracted by the exquisiteness of this watch and its simple and elegant shape. It is difficult for any man to refuse the legacy of Richard, the miraculous clock master of the century.

But Shen Yong just looked away lightly and said, "I got it in my heart, but it's rare, so I think I'll take it back..."

His meaning was obvious, he didn't want this watch, and he also wanted to distance himself from Fu Jinxiao.

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