Chapter 49

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Fu Jinxiao met Shen Minglang's vigilant gaze, and his smile deepened a lot: "Relax, you and I have known each other for many years, I'm just doing you a favor, what's the reward?" The

more he said that, the more worried Shen Minglang felt. .

This person, Fu Jinxiao, if he tells you frankly, it is basically a trivial matter. The more he shows such a dangerous smile and speaks in a soft voice, the more capitalized it is: Dangerous.

Shen Minglang knew that he couldn't take advantage of him, otherwise he would only suffer a bigger loss: "What do you have to do with me, don't be polite to me."

Fu Jinxiao leaned back on the chair with one hand on the back of the chair, with a lazy posture. The side face is handsome and not like an ordinary person, but his seemingly light tone hides seriousness: "This is what you said, I will give you whatever collection I want."

Shen Minglang cautiously pushed his glasses, thinking that it was the first time he took over the Shen family. He had never been so nervous before, even when he first entered the board of directors and started chatting with the old foxes, he was not so cautious. When facing the crowd, he was able to handle it with ease, and when facing this old fox, he took a step forward. Startled. "Although compared to the number of pieces in your Fu family's collection, my collection is insignificant, and some of them can't be obtained." Shen Minglang thought he was a rare thing: "But as long as I have it, it's easy to say within my ability." I don't know . Why, the voice is behind, Fu Jinxiao's attitude towards him can be said to be very cordial, the actor raised his head to pick up the wine bottle, and gracefully refilled half a glass of red wine for him: "It's really loyal. " Bright red in color. Fu Jinxiao glanced sideways at his friend and hooked his lips: "Since you said so, I'm welcome." "..." Shen Minglang couldn't help laughing. the next day

Just the day before the broadcast of "Bright Stars", netizens who eat melon enthusiastically discovered something, the official certification of Jian Xingsui's Weibo name has been changed! It was the first time that the name Shen Xingsui appeared in the public eye, and it caused an uproar and countless discussions and gossip about his life experience.

"Did you go back to your biological parents' home?"

"My family name is Shen."

"Wow, I think Shen Xingsui sounds good too!"

Some netizens began to speculate about their life experience, and wanted to pick up some clues, just here At that time, someone raised a guess and said, "Did you think that Shen Xingchen and Shen Xingsui, who have always been called brothers, sound like brothers?"

This guess quickly became the number one hot comment.

There are also many people below:

"It used to be very similar when I didn't change my name, but now it's more like it."

"I think so too!"

"But isn't Shen Xingchen's eldest brother called Shen Minglang?"

"The biggest moon is surrounded by stars. It's just a family."

This statement quickly gained support from the public, but the Shen family is a top-notch wealthy family, and most people would not think that luck can really be so good, and these two people The relationship with An Ran is so ingenious, it can't be so coincidental, right?

Some netizens boldly said:

"Suisui shouldn't be the child of the Shen family, right?"

"Is there such a coincidence in this world?"

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