Chapter 84

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Shen Xingsui was very nervous, and hurriedly stood up to get the things from the staff: "Wait a minute, don't send it!" The

staff was stunned.

I didn't expect him to have such a big reaction.

Shen Xingsui rushed over to get his cell phone, but the staff thought he didn't want to post the link, so he hid for a while: "Mr. Jian, we'll just post what the program team needs to do, you don't have to worry..."

Shen Xingsui felt that she was being I was wronged, and quickly explained: "I'm not worried, but, but your mobile phone may be my trumpet account now, at least let me change the account." The

staff did not expect this to be the case. In this case, he He hurriedly handed the phone back to Shen Xingsui: "I'm sorry."

Because of this irritating incident, Shen Xingsui had a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, and said lightly, "It's alright, it's alright, just don't send it."

However, the audience in the live broadcast room was not calm:


"Sui Sui, you actually have a trumpet behind our back?"

"Say, what did your trumpet do?"

"Hahaha, no Did you say that, download the wallpaper."

Although everyone regretted that they didn't detect Shen Xingsui's trumpet, those who were still very interested in guessing who the trumpet was had already started to activate their intelligent brains:

" I dont know if its just an illusion, but my wife was online just now.

I thought I was the only one who discovered that my wife was online just now.

How could it be such a coincidence?

Wait, pure passer-by, who is the wife youre talking about? "

"One thing to say, Suishui's mobile phone wallpaper, I seem to have seen it on a Weibo big v before."

"Does anyone know who's picture?"

The witty microscope girl had already begun to solve the case according to the clues, and only Shen Xingsui thought she had escaped.

After the director team asked everyone to post the Weibo link, after waiting for ten minutes, the final voting result came out:


This result surprised all the guests.

The director of the program team stood up and said: "As for this matter, we also want to explain to you, because of yesterday's and today's votes, we found that many viewers who voted maliciously opened modifiers and wanted to modify the number of votes. This matter It has just been detected by our server, so in order to prevent and prevent this from happening, we will no longer form a team today, the guests will start to travel freely, and individuals will participate in the task."

Everyone nodded in understanding.

It is true that there will be some fans who will do whatever they can to make their idols can be combined with what they want to see, but I just didn't expect to be able to hit the crooked ideas here, which is also a skill.

The crowd dispersed to act.

The program team took everyone to the back of the Fei tribe village and said, "The treasure we are looking for is hidden in this dense forest. Now everyone must complete the task as soon as possible to obtain a mirror and find out the evil forces among you, otherwise Once he finally gets the chance to enter the treasure cave, it will lead to chaos in the world."

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