Chapter 18

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An Ran was not the only one who felt this way.

The audience in the live broadcast room also followed the music:

"Parents' lectures are both visual."

"The fear of being dominated by parents."

"It looks fierce, but it's actually because his actions have not been smooth, so help him."

"Hidden gentleness, my brother."

After Jian Xingsui reluctantly smoothed out the whole set of movements, Fu Jinxiao was a little satisfied, and he opened his lips: "Your problem is that you can't control your strength, An Ran and Ning Ze's strength It's good, just practice more."

Jian Xingsui froze when she heard An Ran's name.

Sure enough, the protagonist Shou and the protagonist Gong will still be attracted to each other, right? I'm so stupid that I can't even dance well, so what are you asking for? With An Ran's comparison, I'm even more stupid.

Jian Xingsui restrained the thoughts in his eyes, and he said softly, "I see."

His Taoism is too shallow. Even if he tried to hide it, his thoughts were almost written on his face. What kind of old fox was Fu Jinxiao? Mei: "I don't want to?"

Jian Xingsui didn't dare, so he hurriedly said, "Yes, yes!"

Fu Jinxiao hooked his lips, looking at Xiao Cuntou's anxiously explaining the small appearance is really cute, I don't know why, in fact, everyone here They are both smarter and more capable than Jian Xingsui, but maybe this is the kind of person who has been in contact with too much, and Xiao Cun Tou, who is a bit silly and sincere, will inexplicably make people look at him a few more times.

Like when did it start?

It seems to be the contrast of seeing him protect himself so seriously outside the rice cake shop, but after meeting him, he hides cowardly, right?

And Fu Yingdi usually has a good reputation in the entertainment industry. He seems to be a good person. In fact, he is really bad in his bones, especially when he sees honest children, he wants to make fun of him.

"It's understandable if you don't want to." Fu Jinxiao's tone was joking: "After all, if the students I have taught are still interested in others, isn't that an insult to me?"

The other trainees were amused.

But before, Jian Xingchen, who had no background and no name, was not welcome, but when Fu came over tonight, even if he just had a few words with Jian Xingsui, the attitude of others towards Jian Xingsui was not the same. So cold.

Someone even took the initiative to come over:

"Sui Sui, ask me if you don't understand anything."

"Yes, we can teach you."

"Sui Sui, do you want to practice together for a while?"

Jian Xing Sui couldn't handle it, he I'm not good at communicating with people, so I don't know what to do, so I can only thank you all the time, so I have a deeper understanding of the snobbery and truth of this group.

Although Fu Yingdi has helped him a lot, for Jian Xingsui, who has no foundation in dancing, even if it is a special training, in the short term, relying on a passion for blood is obviously completely unworkable. By the afternoon , entered the door to start the theme song assessment, barely passed, and finally got a 62nd grade, which was not good in the whole variety show.

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