Chapter 26

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When Shen Minglang said this sentence, the director felt that he was shattered.

Originally, some of the investors and mentors invited this time were big companies, big companies, and even the mentors were lucky enough to invite Fu Jinxiao. It was the director and the program crew who had been lucky for three days and three nights, and they were so excited that they couldn't sleep, but I didn't expect it. The thing is, now they are directly forced to go up to Liangshan and can't get off the stage.

When comparing the Shens and the Jians, they are also the largest investors. Of course, the Shens are superior. Originally, the Shens never specifically proposed to give Shen Xingchen any preferential treatment. Only the Jians always do this and that. What's more, the program team once snickered that it only needs to serve a father, but what I never imagined is that things are not that simple.

Now that Shen shi has spoken, people have opinions.

In front of them, there is an ancestor. Fu Jinxiao is a well-recognized and dedicated artist in the industry, but it does not mean that he is a good talker. If you really put Jian and Shen and offend Fu Jinxiao together A choice, the director may choose the former, offending the company, at most this show can't go on, offending Fu Jinxiao, and it will not survive in the entire entertainment industry.

Now that the two ancestors have spoken, the director already knows how to choose.

"Okay." The director decided to back down: "Actually, we also feel that there is something wrong with the previous version. Tomorrow at the latest, we will release the full version and special edited version for the audience."

Shen Minglang was satisfied: "Yes, I will I like to deal with smart partners." The director looked at Fu Jinxiao again.

The smiling tiger sitting in the chair also showed a satisfied smile: "It's hard work director." The director's heart was full of bullshit, and he could only force a smile and say: "You two are really polite, this is what we should do."


After hanging up, Shen Minglang looked at his parents behind him.

Xu Enzhen said, "Mingming, are you ready to talk?"

Shen Minglang nodded and said: "Well, it's settled, they promised to re-release a version."

"That's good, that's good." Xu Enzhen finally breathed a sigh of relief and smiled gently: "This way, we can return it to that one. The child is fair."

Father Shen, who was sitting on the sofa, said, "That child Xingchen, how old is he, and it's not too embarrassing to call his family to complain!"

In the afternoon, he finally got his cell phone secretly. Shen Xingchen scolded and called the landline at home, and talked like a primary school student for a long time. There are two specific guidelines. The first is that his roommates worked hard to win the game. , as a result, there are not many scenes, and the second focus is to sue the program team for malicious editing and bullying his little brother, which is unbearable.

Xu Enzhen comforted her husband: "You are talking, the child is wronged outside, why can't you tell the family, if the child really swallows the wronged words, can you be happy?"

Father Shen snorted coldly. speak.

The family style of the Shen family is to protect the calf, and he dislikes his younger brother for being a primary school student, but he still contacted the program team immediately to deal with this matter.

Shen Minglang sat down on the sofa after the phone call and asked his mother, "You seem to like that kid Jian Xingsui very much, what's the reason?"

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