Chapter 74

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Shen Xingsui was a little stunned after hearing this. He asked, "Who invited me over?" The

attendant smiled and said, "It's the old lady."

Shen Xingsui heard from her mother that the noodle soup made by the old lady was delicious. , Although the mother did not describe the old lady's writing very much, he could probably guess that the old lady should be a good person.

Shen Xingchen said: "Go ahead, the old lady is very good, she even gave me a red envelope!"

In Shen Xingchen's simple world, red envelopes = good people.

Shen Xingsui smiled, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go over now."

They walked through the crowded hall together, and walked upstairs through the quaint wooden stairs. Soon, they reached the upper floor. The decoration style of Fu's old house is very simple and simple, and you can feel a sense of oncoming and heavy history. There are paintings and calligraphy on the walls, and the glass cabinets on the arms are displayed in vases, which are exquisite and beautiful.

The attendant in front said as he walked, "Before you came, the old lady kept talking about you."

Shen Xingsui asked, "The old lady knows me?"

"Yes." The attendant smiled: "She often watches your shows and listens to Your song."


Shen Xingsui fell into deep thought.

For nothing else, just suddenly thought, why do you feel that your songs seem to be particularly popular with the elderly?

Is this reasonable?

There seems to be nothing wrong with it.

The two walked to the door of a room together, and the attendant opened the door so that Shen Xingsui could walk in. Shen Xingsui took a deep breath with some nervousness, and then walked in.

The room seems to be lit with a touch of sandalwood, which is elegant and pleasant.

An old lady was sitting on the sofa. She seemed to be holding a book by her hand. When she heard someone coming in, she turned her head, looked at each other, and smiled: "Sui Sui, you are here."

Shen Xingsui was a little surprised to see this old lady.

Very young, about the same age as my grandmother, but well maintained, even with white hair, she is still very delicate and beautiful. Shen

Xingsui bowed: "Mr. Fu, hello."

"Don't be so polite." The old lady said, "You can also call me grandma, just call me Grandma Fu."

, whoever came up to recognize his relatives, he thought to refuse, should not agree, but when the eyes of the old lady met, he couldn't say anything to refuse.

The old lady beckoned to him and said, "Son, come and sit beside me."

Shen Xingsui came over and sat down beside her.

"You are even more handsome than you look on TV." The old lady looked at him with a smile and said, "You are really similar to your parents.

" Thank you for your compliment." The

old lady's smile suddenly subsided a lot, she whispered: "Actually at the beginning, before you said anything, I heard that when Lina privately arranged a marriage for our eldest grandson, I'm not happy."

Shen Xingsui's heart lifted.

He didn't expect that the old lady would call him over to say this. He was a little mentally prepared, but not all.

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