Chapter Nine

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Purrfect Day


I never thought Damian would actually reply to the endless memes I sent him. They were sent at odd hours of the night, sometimes ones I made with pictures of myself of Blueberry as the main expression. There was even one with Slade, he was kneeling on the ground with Ronan looking angry in front of him, the caption was 'When you gotta remind him who's the real top'. It didn't make much sense unless you knew of their relationship.

It was kind of a desperate attempt to get him to talk to me. To tell me to stop or threaten to kill me if I continue sharing My Little Pony NSFW. But he checked every new text, listened to every voice recording of me ranting about my day, even going as far as to reply with a heart when I shared a picture of me and Blueberry.

He really likes animals. When you ignore the fact he plays with knives and swords, he's actually such a soft boy.

It was on a random Tuesday that his ID glowed on my screen and I was hasty to pick up the phone and answer the ringing dial. I had been waxing my legs with a homemade sugaring wax and listening to some Adele because I'm DiFFeReNt.

His voice was delayed by my enthusiastic greeting, an awkward shuffling, and the clearing of a throat. He didn't ask if I was free but rather assumed that I had no social life, which was correct. He gave a date, time, and location then proceeded to hang up. I sat there, warm wax in one hand, phone in the other, sitting half-naked on the bathroom floor.

Sounded legit

I checked the address given to me online and saw that it was a cat café, one that was three stories with a play area on the bottom, a café in the middle, and an adoption center at the top. It looked amazing and had great reviews, the café was also highly recommended as their head chef once owned a popular restaurant.

Overall, I got really excited. One is to go to this fun-sounding place and get to cuddle some cats. Two is to see Damian again and be friends. I mean, he was the one who asked me to hang out, that meant he wanted to be friends right? Why else would he invite me out?

On the day of our date, I woke up later than expected. I had stayed up planning out an outfit, checking the weather reports, managing how much I was gonna spend, memorizing what food I was gonna get, and thinking about how many cats I had to pet before I was allowed to leave. The normal things people do.

Ronan helped style my hair, brushing and braiding it into two buns and tying them with red ribbon. I wore a mesh turtleneck under a black blazer and simple black shorts. Because I was going to be moving up and down to pet all the fur babies, I decided on some comfortable sneakers. It still feels weird dressing some cute compared to my usual sweatpants and bra.

But Ronan approved so it must mean I look okay.

It was on the other side of Gotham, in the direction of my old store. Ronan happened to have a meeting in the area and dropped me off, jokingly offering me a Condon "just in case". I then made my way down busy streets and stopped at a small corner building with soft brown brick walls, large glass windows, and thick green foliage climbing up the sides.

It looked too gentle to be in such a dirty and harsh city. The whole block looked untouched, with small grocery vendors, several bookstores, an old fashion music store, and just around the corner was my old café.

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