Chapter Twenty-Three

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Cold bullets of wind and rain showered from a sudden cloud of grey. It was neither soothing nor annoying. Though Stephanie would rather not have frizzy hair if she could.

It was by unfortunate circumstances that her fortnightly catchup with Duke was cut short when Babs informed them of a nearby fugitive sighting.

It was under fortunate circumstances, however, that the fugitive in question was an idiot and did little to put up a worthy fight. So bad in fact that all it took was a short chase to have the man on his knees.

Tip to would-be villains:

If you have asthma, don't even bother trying to run. It's just sad.

With the fugitive in custody and an afternoon left to spare the two decided that, as its Sunday, why not visit the manor?

What is Sunday's significance to this equation?

Simple, Alfred bakes on Sundays. It's his way of taking all his stress from the past week and turning it into productive by bombing the kitchen with flour and sugar.

On occasion, if he was really mad, the man would use the manor's residence as test subjects for new combinations of flavors.

To say he used it to his full advantage is an understatement.

For a short while, this tradition was taken over by Jocelyn. Who for a few months would help reduce that stress by taking on the role of cooking and managing mayhem. Of course that went out the window real quick. Then it was back to matcha soufflé and peanut butter macaroons.

By now the third dozen of cookies would be cooling. If they were quick enough, they could pack some up for home.

So, it was with little issue that they arrived at the manor. Stephanie, upon seeing a familiar pet duo, Titus and Whiskey (the two now obnoxiously close) tried to approach for some much-needed cuddles. Only to be hissed at and shown two pink dates.

"I'll shave you," she spat under her breath. The dog and cat tried their noses up and quickly disappeared under some bushes. "What is with Damian and raising sassy animals?"

"Maybe they just don't like your perfume," Duke shrugged. It was a joke, a little poke. But all it got him was a cold glare and the silent treatment. "What? It's just a little too florally for my taste."

"The taste of a middle-aged man who thinks animal documentaries are the most interesting thing on the planet," Steph huffed.

"You said you liked them too!" Duke braced his hands against his chest. Looking rather taken aback by the cheap comment.

"Well, I lied!" She jutted out her neck and over-pronounced her words. Making a dramatic display of her "betrayal".

"If you could lie more quietly, I think the birds would appreciate it," Came to a calm smooth tone from behind them. Alfred, emerging from a random bush, held a placid Whiskey in his arms.

The cat let out a long purr of pleasure as she rolled around. Long limbs dangling and looking rather smug with each scratch of her chin. Stephanie and said cat initiated a heated staring contest, a contest that ended with Stephanie internally steaming.

"Sorry Alfie/Alfred" the two young adults crowed back. It only took a second before the interrogation began.

"You taking a break from baking?"

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