Chapter Thirty-Four

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Six out of Six
Time for some rest


Jocelyn rose with the coming sun. Streaks of gold and burnt orange shone upon her sleeping face. Like a child the sharp beams poked and pried at her eyelids, coaxing her to wake up. Though she tried to uphold her lazy temptations to stay asleep, her body was seduced by the morning and thus her brain was forcibly brought to consciousness.

Ain't that a bitch?

"Go back to sleep," Dick grumbled at her side. Having noticed her shifting and he too tried to coax her back into his arms. They had fallen asleep not long ago in the backroom of the cat cafe. The workers not getting paid enough to care about the couple crashing the night in the corner booth.

"Tempting but I'd rather be asleep in my bed instead of being squashed into a beanbag," Jocelyn stood up with a long stretch. Feeling a strong ache in every corner of her body. "God I need a massage."

"Oooh is this some kind of role play? Cos I'd happily massage your everything," Dick wiggled his brows. Too exhausted for his horny thoughts, Jocelyn reached over and grabbed the front of his shirt, pulling him to his feet and promptly dragging him out the door.

"Neither the time nor the place Dick," Jocelyn waved bye to the morning staff, who were too tired to bother questioning the couple. The two retraced their steps back towards the hotel from the night before, finding Dicks motorbike tucked away safely inside an alley. Lucky for them, the Gotham PD didn't bother to check the surrounding area.

More like they wanted to back up quickly and go home for the night.

It didn't take long to get back to the manor. As they passed the last stretch of leafy canopy, they spotted a small crowd waiting for them at the front door. Competent butler and close Wayne confidant, Alfred Pennyworth, stood there with a less than bemused expression, a small flock of bats standing beside him.

Damian was the first to approach as the roar of the bike settled to a low purr then a dead silence. He looked as though he wanted to say a million things at once, choking on his spit and literally biting his tongue to stop words from bubbling out. Instead, he took a deep breath and let himself fall forward into her open arms. Assured of her presence once he heard her voice.

"I'm home," she whispered.

Even between the layers of clothing, she could feel how fast his heart was beating. A sense of guilt filled her as one of his trembling hands fisted the jacket Dick lent her. Did someone tell Damian and the others what she had been up to? Is this why he looks so relieved to see her?

"I'm sorry. I should have told you where I was going I-" as she began to apologize, wondering how they found out about her little mission, Damian suddenly pulled away and hurled onto the gravel beside them. She stared with wide eyes and Alfred, who looked just about ready to retire. The loud, wet, somehow chunky sound sent shivers racking her spine and a growing churn to her stomach.

"Welcome home Miss Jocelyn. I hope you enjoyed your night out with the girls," Alfred began to walk forward, stopping beside her and patting Damian on the back. "There, there. Better out than in."

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