Chapter Eleven

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Grocery Shopping 


Jocelyn had woken up late into the day and struggled to get her jelly legs to work. Her mind was in chaos, mini versions of herself throwing flaming missiles at the corners of her brain while screaming that she was doomed. Jocelyn very much was doomed. She was fucked and not in a good way.

As her eyes first opened she had hoped it was all a dream, a nightmare concocted because she had been trying to rekindle her past life. But nope, her phone screen was lit up with a text from a number she knew all too well. Bruce Wayne himself had texted her a picture that had her stomach twisting.

The image was that of several people, herself and he included, with Ronan sobbing like a mess as he struggled to hold a pen to sign the contract they agreed upon. Jocelyn stood beside him, head in her hands. Bruce had a hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her but the girl was beyond exhausted and took the kind gesture as stopping her from running.

Attached to the image was a message that said "hope you slept well and thank you for your cooperation. I am looking forward to seeing you again."

She nearly threw her phone out the window. To stop her shaking and distract from the fact that a very curious and dangerous man was now worming himself into her life, she headed to the kitchen. By the time she reached the bottom of the stairs she found Ronan in his fluffy blue dressing gown, sitting at the table like he had been waiting for her.

Ronan only groveled on his knees once in his life. He had been six years old and was jealous of his friends whose parents, despite their high status and busy lives, still made time for their children. Ronan had sat by his father's desk and whined and cried that neither his father nor his mother played with him or took him to fun places. All he received was silence and a heated stare that left the young boy fearful. Ever since then he vowed to never show such weakness and vulnerability to others.

But he was slightly afraid of Jocelyn...just a little.

He knelt with his head on her foot, stroking her calf and muttering praises and words of worship. Jocelyn merely stared at him like he was a cockroach that couldn't be killed. A nuisance and disgusting smudge. She tried to shake him off but the man was stronger than he looked and latched tightly to the girl.

"If you don't move I'll take Blueberry and get a divorce," she warned.

"No, anything but Blueberry!" he cried, releasing his hold.

Blueberry looked up from his seat on the couch and waddled over, licking his master's face with a wagging tail. Ronan took the slobber with the grace of a dying swan as he curled into a ball on the floor.

"I swear to Yllora you are a very confusing man," it was true too. One moment he was a refined, intelligent, and professional man. The next he was getting into drunk fights and now sobbing on the floor. "I hope your hangover is worth the trouble you caused."

"It isn't," Ronan was reminded of the throbbing pain in his skull and groaned. Jocelyn eased her tense shoulders and sighed, offering a hand and lifting the man to his feet. Offering a smile of peace she turned towards the kitchen and began rummaging the cupboards and fridge. Finding half-empty packets of crackers and a couple of rotten fruit she sighed in defeat and turned around.

"I'm going grocery shopping, want anything?" she asked, walking to the entrance and putting on a long coat, her wallet already tucked inside the pocket. Ronan declined and told her to use the credit card. Nodding she looked down at Blueberry and decided to take him for a walk while she was out. The dog was happy for the attention and sat patiently while she put on his walking harness. They recently changed from a leash to a harness after he found out how easy it was to remove his collar.

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