Chapter Four

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Setting Rules & Looking Back


We may be chaotic but at least we don't have syphilis!

That quickly became our new family motto. A shared value that now exists between our small gathering of mentally unstable people. Since we met and I became his roommate, Ronan became my brother and best friend, Blueberry our collective baby. We took naps together, walked together, shopped together, cooked and baked together, gossiped about men together.

It had been awkward at first. Walking around scarcely clothed, getting startled by the other presence, staring and not talking. I think we didn't truly have a proper conversation unless it involved food or Blueberry.

Three days in and I guess we reached a mutual agreement because we were now both sitting in the lounge, Blueberry having a fucking ball with his toys. We were making up a list of rules. A kawa, protocol, etiquette. A set of boundaries that we both agreed to abide by in order to keep our sanitary throughout our agreed friendship and/or my stay in the penthouse.

"So we agree on the following?" Ronan asked once we finished drawing up a long scroll. We had been going back and forth for the past several hours. The reason it was taking so long is that neither of us was used to living with someone else and thus had more rules to argue over.

Sure, I had lived at the Wayne mansion for some time, but we had our own private rooms and weren't constantly in close contact. The home was huge and the boys were constantly in and out, plus we were preoccupied with the upcoming alien attack, so there weren't many issues on privacy that needed addressing.

However the penthouse, though large, still had Ronan and me in clear sight of each other and he alerted me that he often worked from home. Meaning that not only would there be clients and other workers of his popping in, but there was also the issue of his many MANY romances.

Though I didn't have an issue with a polyamorous relationship, on the contrary, I found them quite beneficial if all parties worked together to accommodate individual needs, however, I was going to be his roommate and thus a witness to any messy complications.

No offense to Ronan, I had only known him a few hours and would die for the man, not literally, I like being alive. But I like my drama through a screen or written on pages. Not in my living room while I'm trying to stress bake at 2 am.

"Agreed, shake on it?" I offered my hand to which he took and gave a firm squeeze. Now that the list was written out in his neat cursive scroll, he told me that he would have it laminated and framed on the wall. I agreed since it would serve as a good reminder for any petty future arguments.

The list was as followed:

All messes should be cleaned by the guilty party

All dishes must be rinsed and either cleaned or put in the dishwasher

All food is free to take unless put in name marked containers

Any invited guests must be acknowledged by the other roommate so that they are prepared

All one-night stands must be done at a motel, for safety text roommate a picture of the person's ID

If you are coming home late or not at all, let your roommate know

Mandatory movie night every Friday

Grocery shopping is done together or at least with the other in mind to save on trips

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