Chapter Zero

618 39 11


The Beginning 

The End


"Lady Ylvera, it is time for you to awaken."

Jocelyn woke up in a room that was minimalistic and dull. The walls were slate grey and void of furniture beside the large white bed she slept in. As she sat, she shifted aside the white sheets and turned to give the AI beside her a blank stare.

Your vitals show that you have been well rested and need substances. Would you like a berry-flavored nutrient pack or a vegetable-flavored nutrient pack? " The human-like robot stared at her with glowing blue eyes and a stiff expression. The lack of pores on its silicone skin made her jealous, her own hands reaching up to smooth the sleep lines and eye crust.

"BR-207 morning," she yawned, reaching her arms up and giving the thick plum of grey hair a soft stroke. The robot stared blankly as she weaved her fingers through its thick locks before it gave her hand a warning smack. The robot repeated its greeting and question. Her eye twitched, and then she let out a long sigh. "I'm not hungry."

When is month 347 of nutrient rations? will this war end so I can eat some real food?

"Berry it is," the robot insisted, and walked to the long glass mirror covering one wall of the bedroom. While her artificial intelligence butler prepared her uniform, Jocelyn stared at the hazy wall across the room, pressing a button on the wall beside her head.

The wall she was staring at fluttered to life. The once-grey became colorful as it was transformed into a window. Vehicles flew high into the sky, merging between buildings and following an ordered system. Holographic signs dimmed in the morning light, and more walls from neighboring buildings fluttered into similar windows.

Another day in Alvan, the capital of Yllora.

Please shower and get dressed. You had several nightmares during the night and are now gross and sticky, "the robot appeared silently and spoke with unblinking eyes. Jocelyn drew in an annoyed breath before snatching the black uniform into her arms and storming towards another wall. It shifted aside and she walked through the halls and towards the bathroom.

Inside the white-tiled room, she dropped the clothing onto the counter and turned towards the shower in the center of the room. She pressed a series of buttons and quickly, steaming water rained from the ceiling and onto her naked body.

She reached out for the small soap capsule dispenser and soaked it under the running water. The capsule expanded into a palm-sized lump of foaming soap, and she quickly began to lather it on her skin. The grim and sweat of her tormented night were washed down the drain.

Once her hair had been cleaned and she finally felt her body center itself in reality, she stopped the water and pushed another button. A warm, but not hot, stream of air was pushed from the floor and ceiling this time. drying her hair and skin until she was left looking like a blow-tried Pomeranian.

"Master, your nutrient solution is getting watery," BR-207 called from the intercom system. Jocelyn shuddered at the fictitious taste and quickly layered on her uniform. First, there was the protective bodysuit, which shielded you from sharp objects. Then her blouse, slacks, jacket, and then a dark blue cape that draped over her left shoulder.

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