Hyracoeuvolatica: wow, they can fly! (60 m.y.a.c)

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Hyracoeuvolatica (or just euvolatica) are a clade of pseudovolatican hyracocarnivoriformes that developed a form of powered flight. For this to be achived, hyracoeuvolaticans flap their wings and "tail" derived from fur every few seconds while gliding. This makes it so that they can stay in the air for far longer than any other members of the previous clade. Very few calories are required for them to fly, so their metabolism is a bit slower than you'd expect for a flying mammal.
Now that they can fly, the size limit for them has greatly increased.
The largest species for now weighs up to 20 pounds.
(Note: they dont actually stand on 2 legs for prolonged periods)

(Note: they dont actually stand on 2 legs for prolonged periods)

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