Where it all goes wrong (30 m.y.a.c) [MASS EXTINCTION]

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Well, as with all worlds, a mass extinction has to happen someday. But this wasn't a naturally caused extinction. The aliens who made this world in the first place decided to hurl a 3km meteor at the center of the supercontinent. The results were catastrophic on wildlife all across the world.


euhyracoglires: 57% of species extinct

hyracocervia: 79% of species extinct

hyracomarina: 100% extinct.

rhinohyraxia: 98% of species extinct.


lagohyraxia: 48% of species extinct


hyracoinsectiphila: 80% of species extinct (less specialized species were able to live)

volaticonectiphagia: 94% of species extinct (less specialized species with a brand-new adaptation explained in era 2 causes this clade to live.)


cynohyraxia: 20% of species extinct (very generalized group, was able to survive with minimal damage.)

hyailuria: 30% of species extinct (a little more specialized, but overall, an intact clade)


- it seems like the more specialized lithohyracoids are struggling. will they survive the next extinction event?

- hyracocarnivoriformes is the most intact hyrax clade.

- lagohyraxia might become the top herbivores?

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