Chapter 4: Good Willow Hunting

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A panoramic view of Bonesborough scrolls by.

Mystery Voice: "Who am I? Are you sure you wanna know?"

A woman's silhouette can be seen on a rooftop.

Mystery Voice: "I was like most witches, but that changed during that fateful day in potions class."

A human bites said woman. Later, her ears turn round. Horizontal slits open up on both sides of her neck. Her eyes glow red, firing lasers that destroy the wall next to her. She nervously inspects the damage she just caused.

Mystery Voice: "Though the Demon Realm may mock Luz Luperico, timid teenager..."

Luz dons her superhero costume.

Luz Luperico: "... it will soon marvel at the awesome might of HUMAN-GIRL!"

Action shots ensue as a power ballad swells.

Amity Watson: "Luz, you can't go up against the Green Giraffe! He'll kill you."

Brief pan to the aforementioned supervillain, cackling maniacally.

Luz Luperico: "The last time I didn't take action, it cost my Uncle Bump his life. I can't let it happen to anyone else, especially not to you, Amity."

Amity Watson: "Oh, Luz, kiss me!!"

A raven-haired witch removes her sunglasses, revealing a pair of light blue eyes.

Agent Lilliana: "I need scouts covering the alleys in Latissa! I want Human-Girl found!!"



Luz Luperico: "I'm only half the witch I used to be."


Amity Watson: "You'll always be witch enough for me."


Green Giraffe: "Titanspeed, Human-Girl!"


Agent Lilliana: "She's no hero, she's a menace! It's our job to bring them BOTH to justice."


Available in Eye-Max.

Three coven guards begin to gush over the commercial they just saw on CB

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Three coven guards begin to gush over the commercial they just saw on CB.

"Titan, I cannot wait to see that movie!"

"Did you see how cute Katya looked in that outfit?"

"I dunno, Mattholomule looked kinda hot."

"Mattholomule? Really"

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