Chapter 3: Emancipation Acclimation

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"I keep forgetting how depressing human shows can be

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"I keep forgetting how depressing human shows can be."

"Sorry, Ams, I thought you would have liked 'Bloodbath Kitchen'."

"Some stuffy, pompous, overbearing jerk berating and yelling at people for every little mistake they made? If I wanted that, I would've stayed at Blight Manor."

"Oh.... Oooohhhhhhhhh.... I see what you mean. Well, now I hate this show... and most reality TV shows, come to think of it."

"They're not all bad. I liked the one with that friendly dermatologist."

"Ugh, no! We are not watching 'Cystbusters' again. How can you stand seeing that?"

"Abomination witch, remember? I spent my childhood playing in all kinds of gunk and living tissue, so it'll take more than a few pustules to unnerve me. How about a game show? I believe 'Are You Intellectually Inferior to a Kindergartener' is on now."

"Nah, too distracting. I need to find a good makeout show. Maybe something on the Animation Station."

"Cartoons put you in the mood?"

"Ehh, depends on the quality of the animation. Ooooooohh, how about 'Testosterus and the Galaxy Lords'?!"

"That cannot be your definition of quality. Each episode has, like, ten frames of animation used over and over."

"Yeah, but what it lacks in animation, it makes up for in hunky barbarians."

"Well, that's all well and good for you..."

"And you, since it puts me in the mood to make out. It's for the greater good, Ams."

"Heh. Titan, you're such a dork, Luz."

"And you love it."

"I know."

When they moved in with Viney, Amity had set up an entertainment center, complete with a vial of Titan's blood with wires permeating from the vial and crammed into the television's AV ports. Titan knows how, but she successfully managed to program it to recieve broadcasts from the human realm for Luz's benefit. Amity learned long ago to not waste time living in regret, but she couldn't help but feel bad that with all the Titan's blood they have stored away, she has yet to create a working portal.

When Eda disappeared along with the Owl House, she took the portal with her, effectively stranding Luz in the Demon Realm. To help console her wife, Amity promised to build a new one for her, but that was much easier said than done. For one, all the notes Amity had copied from Philip Whittebane's diary went up in flames along with most of her possessions that were in her old room in Blight Manor. Suffice it to say that when she cut all ties with her former parents at the age of 16, Odalia did not react favorably. Secondly, Luz's own notes left with the Owl House, along with most of the material they saved up in case they needed to create another portal.

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