Chapter 6: Rage, Rage Against the Dying of the Light

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Amity sat outside the emergency room, hands flapping atop her knees nervously. Fear was gnawing away at her mind. Fear of losing her wife; of breaking the news to her suegra, to Vee, Masha, Eda, King, Seraphina, Boscha, Lilith, Willow, Gus, Skara, Ed, Em, Viney, Jerbo, Barkus, Dell, Gwendolyn, even the bird tube.... Titan, Luz has touched a lot of lives... and you let them all down... No. The healers knew what they were doing, and she did everything in her power and more to get her light to them.

Memories spilled out into the forefront of her subconscious. Their first meeting at Hexside, the dance at Grom, kissing her for the first time, being asked out by her, the first time they picked flowers for her dad, fighting Belos together, meeting her mom... their mom... standing up to her bullies in the Human Realm, her support throughout the emancipation process, saving Willow from those Herbivamps together, staying by her side at the healers when she tried Capoeira for the first time, then the second time, then the third, consoling her when Camila and Eda put a moratorium on her self-taught Capoeira lessons, graduating together, their first.... their first... proposing to her, the wedding, helping to free the owl beast together, listening to her giving advice to King on asking out Seraphina, double dating with the two, celebrating their new roles in their respective covens... she was going to lose the one person she experienced everything with.

You failed her. Is this the extent of your love that you couldn't even protect her when it counted? No. Aside from Steve, Amity was the only one who even tried to get Luz to a healer in time. But you weren't in time, were you? You saw how unresponsive she was until you were dragged out of the room. But she had a chance. A slim chance. She fought with all her strength to give Luz that chance, and she trusts Bo. She has to.

Amity looked down at the tissue she wiped her face with. The thick ebony substance stuck to it strongly, but she was able to wipe it from her face with no problems. It didn't even stick to her hair. Pondering this mystery helped to distract her, not just from the anxiety, but the immense physical pain that shot throughout her body once her adrenaline died down. The healers pleaded with her to get looked at, but she wouldn't budge. Luz needed them more, not to mention the wounded soldiers still outside the palace. How noble, you can put that on her grave. 'Here lies Luz Noceda: I tried'. Of course she tried. She gave everything she could and then some to patch Luz up, to keep her from bleeding out completely, to practically breaking into the palace. Nobody could have asked more of Amity, nor could they have gone to the lengths that she had. Fat lot of good that does Luz now. The one person who made you feel like you were actually worth something, and you couldn't live up to that ideal.

"Amity! I hadn't expected to find you here."

That voice. It can't be.

She didn't even bother to glance his way. Even if the voice wasn't a dead giveaway, those obnoxious neon-green lights in the periphery of her vision were. "Hello, Alador."

Alador Blight had definitely seen better days. He was certainly more gaunt than he used to be. The bags under his eyes were almost as dark as her own eyes. A strange contraption was strapped to his left arm, feeding him abomination 'essence' to keep him awake. How he can stand the constant glowing was anyone's guess.

Amity was surprised to see him anywhere but his laboratory, especially in the very palace his inventions attacked only moments ago. "Here to admire your handiwork?"

Alador was transfixed by her new eye color. "Here to admire yours, it would seem."

That answer was enough to get her to actually look his way. "Meaning what, exactly?"

"The healing coven summoned me here. They told me they needed my expertise in abomination magic to find out what happened to Darius. From what I can gather, it's a safe bet that you happened to him. I have to admit, I was a little worried why they asked for me and not the head of the Abomination Coven... I feared something had happened to you."

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