Chapter 10: The Harder They Brawl

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Garlog was a small-time criminal in the Boiling Isles- not to mention small-sized- never warranting attention from anyone but the most desperate of bounty hunters. However, in recent years, his body grew along with his notoriety, and his crimes became bigger, deadlier and more brazen. Tales of Garlog the Horrible spread across the land, inspiring terror among the citizenry. Death and destruction were left in his wake. Many were afraid to leave their homes if they knew he was nearby. Known also as 'The Terror of the Toes', he made his way to Latissa to recruit new enforcers for his gang, having eaten the previous ones. The Empress' Coven outpost in Latissa was put on high alert. Sirens blared all over the city, urging the townspeople to remain indoors. The Coven guards expected the worst.

What they didn't expect was that a pale-skinned witch with a missing eye and a muscular physique would be casually strolling up to them, with Garlog bound in metal bands and slung over her shoulder. With the same level of indifference, she dropped the criminal in front of the guards. She looked to them with a polite smile. "That'll be 500,000 snails, if you please."

"Huh?" Was all a guard could muster.

The witch pulled out a wanted poster with Garlog's likeness printed on it. "That is the going rate according to this wanted poster, anyway."

The guards knew a new bounty hunter when they saw one, and it usually meant an opportunity to skim the reward for themselves. They looked at one another and got into a huddle. Whispers and giggles could be heard from the group before they turned back to their guest. "Oh, uh, see, that poster is, uh, actually outdated." One guard stated.

The strong witch looked perplexed. "It is?"

"Oh, yeah, because bounties actually decrease if the criminals remain at large for too long."


"Yeah. Shame, since Garlog has been free for quite some time, so, the bounty went down to half a snail."

"Oh, no. I was so looking forward to that money, too."

The other guards kept snickering as their companion went on. "Well, the important thing is that you caught the guy, and the Boiling Isles is safer for it."

The witch looked giddy at hearing that. "Neato! I'm, like, a hero and stuff!"

"You sure are!"

"Everyone's gonna love me!"

"If they don't already!"

"And the ground just swallowed your friends!"

"You bet it did! Wait, what?"

The guard pivoted on his feet to see the others sunken into the ground up to their chins. A hand rested on his shoulder, and he turned back to the witch, who was now brandishing a steel club. Her smile remained, but he could see the intensity in her eye. "Now then..." Her tone was cold and calm. "...about that 500,000 snails..."

"Coming right up!" The guard bolted into the front office and came back out with the reward. "Keep the change, ma'am!"

"I don't do extortion." The muscular lady counted the snails and returned the change accordingly. She then went on her way.

"Wait?" The guard called out. "What about the others?!"

"Well, I guess that depends on how good you are at digging."


"Think about that the next time you try to swindle Jerrika Sasaki: The NOBLE ALLY!" She said as she struck a dynamic pose. She then proceeded to go about her way. "Oh, and knock it off with the hexing sirens, would you? My family and I are trying to watch the Brawl!"

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