Chapter One: Pain

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The first thing Draco felt when he woke up was pain. Not the kind of pain you feel when you have a blister on the back of your foot that rubs against your shoe every time you walk, or even the kind when someone breaks your heart and you can feel it shatter like fireworks in an autumn sky.

No, this pain was almost like the absence of everything else that wasn't pain. Which didn't really make any sense when you thought about it, because how could that be possible? Well, that's just it. It didn't make any sense.

Nor did anything else.

First of all, where was he? Why was he laying on a soft bed? And most importantly—the thought that shone above all the rest—who was he?

Unwillingly, he felt a soft groan escape his lips and he dared himself to open his eyes to at least answer the first question that was running through his head.

"Madam Pomfrey, he's awake, he's awake!"

Some girl with hair that went to her shoulders and a nose that squished into her face to look like a pug was yelling around him and he heard the rustle of movement and even more shouting. He squeezed his eyes shut against the pounding headache that had spurred in his head, wishing the girl would just shut up and to stop being so loud.

She continued to ramble on to no one in particular and he dared a glance around.

He was in some kind of hospital wing that had windows along the wall, a string of identical beds that went on for rows beside him, and walls that were so white it made his head hurt even more just by looking at them.

He had absolutely no idea how he got there, who that girl was that was still talking frantically to the witch in front of him, and, of course, the most obvious one being that he didn't even know his own name.

He could start to feel his breaths come in small ragged gasps and, as embarrassing as it was, tears started to form in his eyes. A brown-haired witch entered his blurry view with concern written all over her stricken features like this was not the environment that she wanted him to wake up in, and the girl came back, crying about something and tugging on his hand.

"Draco! Oh, I'm so glad you're finally awake, I was so worried about you!"

Draco. Huh, what an odd name, he thought as the girl continued to tug on him, trying to touch his face and stroking his hair. He finally decided enough was enough–he didn't want to be fondled by some girl he didn't even know, thank you very much—and pushed her hand away. She almost instantly jerked backwards as if he had just insulted her mother then the rest of her family along with it, and started to sob.

Great, he thought to himself with an internal eye roll, now you made her cry.

The woman who he assumed was the mediwitch came into view again and started to run some tests. She waved off the sobbing girl with a few words, saying something about how Draco needed to wake up first without her bothering him, and the girl huffed loudly through her tears and stormed away.

The witch turned to him and asked him how he was feeling.

He didn't respond right away, trying to figure out the answer to that question. He had woken up in some random hospital wing with no idea who or where he was, and he didn't even remember his own name when he woke up. And oh ya, one more thing, all his memories were gone.

It took him a moment to realise that she most likely had no idea of the inner turmoil going on inside his head at the moment, specifically the most pressing one that was burning through his mind.

Now he had to wonder how he was going to go about telling her this small tiny little detail. Should he make a scene? Start crying and asking where he was like what he was just about to do a moment ago? That now just seemed like an awkward way to go about it, after just having pushed away some girl who was most likely his girlfriend. Why his past self would choose someone like her was completely unbeknownst to him, since, well, he hadn't a clue who past him was like. He hoped he wasn't mean or anything. In fact, he believed with absolute certainty that he was a pure gentleman at heart.

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