Chapter Thirty-Three: Valentine's Day

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The next few weeks passed in a blur, sliding and slipping past Draco in a frenzy that he couldn't stop. Days came and went, Haisley and Luna waved at him in the halls, Hermione acknowledged him in class, and Harry had smiled at him so many times that Draco had started to lose count. (It was actually 33 times. He kept track of every one.)

Currently, he was in his dorm, checking that day's date even though he knew what it was already based on yesterday's. He still had that annoying nagging feeling in the back of his skull that made him obsessively check the date every day.

When he saw it, the words February 9 staring up at him like a glare, he almost got whiplash as a thought came tumbling into his mind, not unlike the memories he had gotten.

Valentine's Day.

What the hell am I going to do with Valentine's Day.

And, obviously, the next thought included only one word.


Draco had never felt such a visceral need to ask someone to go out with him on Valentine's day, even if he couldn't remember the past years. It was a pulling on his heart, an insistent tug on his mind like the yanking of a string attached to another that was getting pulled on in two different directions, yet leading all the same to one beautiful, black-haired, green-eyed boy.

His heart twisted at the thought.

I want to ask him out.

I'm going to chicken out.

I'm not going to ask him out.

What if he says no? Holy hell, he probably doesn't even like me at all, what was I thinking, this is all going to go to shite...

Draco flopped back down on his bed in a huff, pulled the curtains around his bed flush, and sighed into his pillow dramatically.

Screw doing his hair, he had more important things to think about.

Blaise continued to snore loudly from his bed and Theo was still most likely sleeping as Draco had a borderline existential crisis. He wasn't sure what to do and it was grating on his nerves irrevocably.

Valentine's Day...Who in Merlin's name decided to come up with Valentine's Day!? Making single people live their days out in pain while others have fun and shove it in their faces...

Draco wanted to have a strong word with whoever decided this was a good idea, just to see how they felt having their life crumble around them in shambles in their panic.

He turned to his bed and grumbled into his pillow.


Draco saw Harry in class that day and his mind started to burn as he decided what to do.

By Merlin's balls did Draco want to ask him to...Okay, well, Draco didn't actually know the specifics, but he did want to spend every living moment with him. (And when he thought about it, that probably wasn't that healthy, but that was Harry's fault for being so damn...Harry-like, and Draco couldn't help that, so he concluded that he didn't really care.)

Harry too seemed to be going through something as his hands were twitching like a maniac all day, and Draco felt his eyes boring into his skull more than once.

Maybe he wants to ask me out too, Draco thought. Then reality sunk in, and he shook the idea away as quickly as it had come.

Obviously not, he probably just wants to ask me about occlumency or something like that, no way that's what he's actually thinking.

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