Chapter Five: More Confusion

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Draco took a tentative step into the room and let his eyes wander across it, taking it all in. There were three beds in the dorm, one of them covered in a plethora of books that were threatening to fall, one looking like a house elf had a sleepover with all his friends on it, and the other one was perfectly clean of everything but a singular grey pillow with a small snake on the corner. It didn't take much for Draco to guess which one was his.

He didn't hesitate to walk to the cleanest bed and plop down on it, all of the emotions from the day washing over him until he almost started choking on it. It was like someone had dumped a cold bucket of sleeping draught over his body, leaving him so exhausted he could barely open his eyes.

Pansy came to the bed and sat beside him. "You alright?"

He grabbed his head in his hands and tugged slightly in his hair. "I'm just so confused," Draco managed to gasp out. "I mean, this is all so new and... to be honest, I don't even know who you are, and yet you're being so nice to me— and I— I just don't understand why, and..." his voice trailed off. And I got this flashback to someone beating the everloving shit out of me and I'm scared that I can't even trust the people that know me.

He let out a loud huff of breath. "Sorry," he muttered, closing his eyes in embarrassment.

"Draco..." Pansy looked at him with a sheen in her eyes. "I know you don't know me, alright, but I hope you realise that you can trust me." She placed her hand gently on his shaking ones and sat near to him as he controlled his emotions.

"Okay, thank you Pansy."


After a few seconds, Draco said, "Now, tell me all about this Blaise and Theo that I am going to have to live with."

They spent the next while talking to each other, Draco learning more about his door mates and Slytherin house. Turns out they had a deep vendetta against one of them (shocking) called Gryffindor. If Draco were to take a guess, he would say that Harry Potter was in that house based off of the way that he kept acting like Draco was going to pounce on him at any moment when he had first seen him.

They were still sitting like that, side by side, when two boys burst into the room looking frantic.

"Pansy! Draco— he's gone. From the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey said that— Oh." Blaise stopped once he saw them and had the decency to look sheepish at the panted outburst.

"Well hello Blaise!" Draco waved cheerfully.

"Um...Hi? Are you doing alright? You had us pretty scared there."

Theo scoffed beside him, affronted. "Please, you were absolutely terrified. Blaise was running around threatening anyone who even said your name."

The boy bristled beside him indignantly. "I did not!"

"I'm pretty sure you did. Ask anyone who's in the Slytherin common room right now, and I am sure they will agree."

"Fine! If you're so sure, then let's go!"

"Alright," Theo said with a shrug.

"Guys," Pansy spoke up. "Stop arguing and sit down. Draco has to tell you something."

"Wha...No I do not!"

"Oh come on Draco, don't be a wuss. I told you you could trust these people."

"Doesn't mean I have to!"

Blaise, looking very confused in the corner, spoke up. "Wait, why wouldn't he trust us? I thought we had this conversation a million times already, and Draco agreed that he didn't have to shut us out all the time."

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