Chapter Ten: Pride

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"I was in this room, but I couldn't see much because everything was blurry. There was a man in front of me and I was trying to get his attention so I just kept pulling on his robes but he wouldn't turn around or acknowledge me. I remember that there was a fireplace in the corner and the walls were decorated, but everything was pretty much just made of colours. I...I think I was lonely and I wanted the man to pay attention to me. But that's just a guess," Draco said quickly with an undignified shrug.

Madam Pomfrey gazed at something behind him, clearly in deep thought, and Draco waited for her mouth to catch up with her brain. After a few seconds, she came back to herself with a tentative smile and turned to him.

"Based on the fact that the memory was blurry and you described something that sounds similar to what I imagine the manor—where you live—would look like, I would assume you were remembering a fundamental part from your childhood—or even just a random selected memory that might have been triggered by something you saw yesterday. It was probably festering in your mind until it burst through as a hazy picture, and as you said, it was more feelings and colours than an image which helps prove the idea of it being from when you were young. As for the man, that I cannot help you with, since I have no knowledge about your younger self." She said this all quickly and in such an informative tone that Draco couldn't help but lean in to listen to it.

She started again, this time in a kinder tone. "I can give you some of your pain medication now, before a headache starts from the head trauma and the memory attack you received. It is up to you whether or not you tell your friends now about the memory loss, but I strongly suggest it, in case this happens again."

Draco coughed quickly and covered his mouth with his hand to stifle it. "I may have uh told them already..."

Madam Pomfrey perked up and gazed at him with pride in her eyes. "That's great, Draco! I assume they took it as well as can be expected?"

He laughed a little and smiled at his friend. "Ya, they took it pretty well, actually."

She mirrored his expression. "That's good to hear. I'm glad."

He picked at a small piece of fabric beneath the bed that he was sitting on and twirled it between his fingers, not sure why he was embarrassed again. "Ya. Me too."

The witch nodded and stood up in a stride to a cupboard on the edge of the room, taking her hand out and reaching for the handle before opening it up, leaving a small creaking sound in its wake. She took out two vials that were filled with some type of potion, one a calming reddish-pink colour, and the other a sparkling green that reminded him of the tapestry in the Slytherin common room. Walking back, she handed him each of them, explaining what it was as she gave it to him.

"The red one is a calming draught for your nerves and if you feel pressure starting to build in your chest, or your breathing starts to turn eradicate, please take it to help alleviate the tension. I'm not just going to forget about that almost-panic attack you had when you first woke up and learned about your memory loss, Mr. Malfoy, so take it if you feel like you need it, and report to me when you use it so I can decide whether to give you more or not," she said sternly. "The green one is your pain medication for when the headache starts to get worse—yes I can see you already nursing your head, stop trying to hide it, Mr. Malfoy, I am a healer for pity's sake, not a blind person."

He laughed a little at her perceptiveness and snark. He also noticed that she traded between calling him 'Draco' and 'Mr. Malfoy' depending on what she was saying, and Draco couldn't help but find it endearing as she didn't even call Green Eyes by his first name when he was in here.

"Thank you, Madam Pomfrey, I'll be sure to keep that in mind."

She made a quiet harumph noise through her mouth in assent and effectively shooed him out the door with a wave of her hand.

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