Chapter Thirty-One: Twirling

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A/n: I just want to make a note here for all the Americans who are going through struggles right now because of the new horrid law that was passed, to say that I'm here for you. I am absolutely appalled at the choice and as a Canadian, I am standing with you. My heart goes out to you all <3

Draco closed the hospital wing door behind him with a small grunt and fought the urge to sigh again. He seemed to be doing that a lot lately—it was a habit he should break, but he couldn't bring himself to quite yet since the act of gusting air out of his mouth with exaggeration calmed his nerves.

Letting his hand fall off the door, he sighed again for the fun of it, just to prove his nonexistent point.

Draco started to make his way to the library, Madam Pomfrey allowing him to skip his next class due to getting a memory. He had also told her about him joining up again with the Slytherin quidditch team. (Flinch had said something like "Finally," under his breath when Draco told him he could play, before slapping him on the shoulder so harshly that Draco winced before he stalked off again with a grunt. Draco had no idea what had just happened and was left staring blankly at the spot Flinch had just left for a few moments.)

His head still didn't feel quite right, but at least it wasn't pounding like it was before; it was more of a muddled and scrambled feeling like he just couldn't get his thoughts straight.

He followed along the halls by himself, occasionally seeing people who no longer drifted away from him like he was an infectious disease like they did when he first woke up. Instead, they simply ignored him as he did the same.

He suspected that was due to him no longer being Malfoy, Umbridge's pet who followed her orders like a dog, but instead someone no longer worthy of attention since he didn't bring anything—strife or kindness—when he did his prefect walks at night.

Funny what it did to become unnoticeable. No one looked at him with hatred anymore, because no one was looking at him at all.

At least people had acknowledged him before.

Now, he was just another Hogwarts student who, when he was looked upon, it was with the remembrance of something he couldn't even recall doing. He was being shunned for actions he never could have even dreamed of doing. And he wished that he could go back to the past to change that, because how the old Malfoy treated others made the now Draco want to shout at him that it was wrong and that he should have stopped.

It was wrong, and that was what made Harry who was so accepting and willing to talk to him so much more meaningful to him. Same with Haisley, same with Hermione, and even with Madam Pomfrey. They all saw him not for who he was, but for what he could be.

And that meant so much more to him than words or actions could express.

These thoughts followed him into the library where he was going for the legilimency books so he could teach Potter how to properly do occlumency.

It was the least he could do for him, after all.

He was halfway around a bookshelf when he walked straight into a girl.

The books that were clutched tightly in her hands clattered loudly to the floor and Draco could already hear the yelling he was about to get from Pince, his ears ringing accordingly.

"Oh shit, sorry." He said quickly, losing his pure-blooded decorum for a moment in his surprise and he started picking up the books that were strewn across the floor, some of the pages folding after they landed on an awkward angle.

He was really going to hear it from Pince.

His eyes travelled along the floor as he scanned it for books to pick up when he noticed the girl's shoes. They were bright with glitter sparkling along in the patterns of stars all along the sole and wavy lines of different colours littered it like the books that had just crashed to the ground.

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