Chapter Fifty-Four: Torn

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A/N: Merry Christmas everyone!! Hope you enjoy this chapter :)

The first thing Draco felt when he came back to himself was a small bead of sweat trickling down his forehead.

What? I—

He blinked his eyes open blearily, as if coming out of a trance. Except everything was all wrong. He had just been at Hogwarts, atop those stairs, talking to his—

"Now give me the prophecy," someone said, and through the haze and confusion, Draco latched onto the sound. Was that? No, that couldn't be his father because he had just fallen down those stairs...

What the fuck?

And then the past eight months came rushing back. His memory, gone. Umbridge. The blood quill. Harry. Draco wobbled on his feet uncertainly. Everything was all wrong.

He—there were Death Eaters surrounding him, and the arm that was holding his wand flopped lifelessly to his side.

Potter—no, Harry...Green Eyes? asked Lucius something that sounded like "Where's Sirius?" although Draco wondered why...

Sirius, they had to save Sirius—

We have to save Sirius—

But he had just been at Hogwarts...

"I think I'm going to be sick," was all the warning he gave before he clutched his stomach, doubled over, and threw up all over the misty black cloak of the Death Eater in front of him.

"What?" Harry yelped, whipping around, gaping at the sight of Draco keeled over, his sick lining the boots of the Death Eater in front of him.

Lucius' sharp intake at seeing his son was deafening.

Oh. He must have not known I was here yet, was all he thought, which led to him to the obliviation...and as if it wasn't enough, his stomach roiled and he puked again.

Draco played chess with Theo, moving the pawn across a space. He watched as his friend's eyes narrowed, and his gaze skimmed the board, deep in thought—

"Oh, Merlin, make it stop," he groaned, putting his head in his hands.

The Death Eater in front of him with sick lined all across the bottom of his black cloak stumbled backwards in shock, gagging noises coming from the mask.

"How—how dare you! You—"

"Stupefy!" Hermione whipped out, and the floundering man went flying backwards. Everyone else spurred into action along with her.

"Come on!" Harry yelled, and they sprinted away in the direction of where Hermione had sent the Death Eater, Ginny leaping over the puke on the floor with a muttered "ugh, that's disgusting," under her breath.

Chaos followed. Curses flew into the air like an explosion, Draco stumbling along after his friends—his friends? But, that wasn't right—as they ran away from the onslaught of spells. With a turn, Neville pointed his wand at the shelves and yelled, "Reducto!" with so much force at Lucius' sneering face that a sheet of blue prophecies tumbled over in a blur.

The rest of the shelves began to follow suit. Shards of glass skittered along Draco's feet as he ran, not even sure why he was.

Father's back there—he's going to get caught under all the fallen orbs—

No. Let him shatter.

So Draco kept running.

—"I can't believe you made me eat all that chocolate," Draco whined to Blaise, flopping down on his bed. "That was criminal of you. Absolutely criminal. You should go to Azkaban just for that."

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