Chapter Thirty-Four: Snow

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A/n: Looking over the past few chapters have me realising just how many mistakes I might have missed throughout this story, so I apologise for any grammatical errors or spelling mishaps that have and will happen. I have no beta, and I never noticed how much my eyes skip over words when I already know what I've written xD. So I took extra care in trying to revise this chapter, and I hope you guys like it! (I found this one particularly fun to write and it ended up being quite long.) <3

Blaise had left five minutes ago to go Merlin knew where, and Draco already wanted to heave himself right off the astronomy tower into the grounds below.

He was sitting by himself in the Three Broomsticks, his cheek resting on his hand, hair falling in front of his eyes as he grumbled to himself. Well, he wasn't really sure what he expected to happen—he did go with his friends on Valentine's Day while he was the only single one out of the four. (Blaise didn't really count, because Draco was pretty positive that he was hiding something from him.)

He sighed and pushed his cheek farther into his hand so that his face was practically horizontal to the empty table below him.

After sitting like that for what felt like an eternal amount of time of wallowing in self-pity—it had only been about a minute, but Draco wasn't having the best of days, so he was allowed to complain alright?—He finally decided that he should probably get up and at least walk around so that he didn't freeze to death.

Coincidentally, he had picked the table right near the door, and every time someone walked in, a cold draft of wind would pour in from the outside right onto Draco's side, making him have periodical shivers whenever people entered. Quite honestly, it was starting to get on his nerves.

So, heaving a sigh, he stood up out of the wooden chair, tucked his and Blaise's in—which he had left sticking out for anyone to run into—and stepped outside into the chilly air. He was instantly bombarded with a small wind, and he tugged his cloak around his shoulders with a small shake.

Draco learned quickly that he hated the cold.

He took a few steps away from the door to the Three Broomsticks and almost bumped into the one person he had spent the last five days contemplating every single moment of his day over.

"Oh, sorry I didn't—"

Harry stopped when he looked up and saw Draco standing there with his hands in his pockets and cheeks flushed pink—although not just from the cold.

"Oh. Draco. It's you."

Draco smirked. "Like you know anyone else with a face as fair as mine."

Harry blushed and said something under his breath that Draco didn't quite catch.


"Oh, nothing," Harry said, stumbling over his words, "It's just...uh cold outside, you know?"

Draco hummed agreeably and glanced at the empty space beside Harry, noticing no one in the immediate vicinity.

His heart practically levitated at the thought.

"So, what are you doing out here all alone in the cold? Waiting for someone?" Draco asked lightly, but he knew his eyes were gleaming with this shrouded look, hoping for a certain answer that he hoped Harry would give.

"Uh, no, just kind of...hanging around, you know?"

Draco couldn't help it. He beamed. Then, he quickly shut his face off because that was a really rude thing to do when someone said they didn't have a date.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. All my friends just left me to be on my lonesome, assuming yours did the same?"

"Ya, something like that," Harry said with a shrug, although he also looked like Christmas had just made a really early appearance.

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