Chapter Forty-Three: Feelings

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A/n: Sooo...this chapter may have gotten a little bit away from me xD

Draco felt like his heart had gone astride a broomstick and was soaring away into the sky. The smile hadn't left his face all morning, and the moment Theo left the dorm, Blaise was turning on him with a sparkle in his eyes.

He and Harry hadn't spent much longer outside after that first kiss, Draco continuing the story of how the first thing he saw when walking out of the hospital wing was his green eyes, and since he couldn't figure out what his actual name was, he had ended up calling him that ever since.

Harry had laughed and kissed him again like he would never get enough of him. Draco felt the exact same, and the two walked back together under the stars hand in hand.

He wasn't sure if that meant they were, like, together now, but Draco was willing to do anything just to feel Harry's lips against his again, so he didn't really care that they hadn't talked much last night.

It was simple kisses, chaste things that only lasted a few seconds. He didn't have anything to compare it to, yet he knew it was the best all the same.

Blaise moved in front of the door right as Draco was about to step through it.

"Hello, Draco," he said, leaning against the door, blocking his way out.

Draco tugged on the strap around his shoulder. "Hello, Blaise," he greeted back in the same, drawled-out manner.

"So?" He asked like he couldn't stop the word from slipping out of his mouth. "I know something happened last night, you're practically levitating. And?"

"And what?"

Blaise rolled his eyes. "You know what I'm talking about, Draco. How'd it go? You two shag?"

"What?!" Draco hissed out. "We didn't shag. Merlin, Blaise!"

"You're blushing," he remarked triumphantly like Draco's heart hadn't just stopped beating at the mere suggestion.

"Because that's completely vulgar! And if you had any sense you would stop speaking so loud." Draco wasn't sure why he was whispering, but his voice had lowered considerably and he was glancing around as if someone had snuck into their password-protected dorm in the middle of the night. "Besides, it was nothing."

"Your face says otherwise," Blaise smirked.

"My face says nothing," he claimed stubbornly.

"Draco, dear, you haven't got that love-sick grin off your face all morning. Anyone would be able to tell that something happened, and I'm sure the school's going to go on a rumour rampage if they see you like this." Blaise suddenly snapped his fingers in front of his face. "I'm happy for you, of course—I mean congrats on totally-not-shagging the saviour of the Wizarding World and all, but you have got to get it together."

Draco blinked. "Thanks? And we're not shagging Blaise, we just...kissed. That's all."

As much as Blaise might have acted like he didn't care about it, his face lit up and he couldn't help but grin and lean forward as if in excitement. "And? Were the lips of the Golden boy as delicious as you'd thought they would be?"

"Shut up," Draco said with exasperation as he reached for the doorknob. Blaise moved out of the way with his hands thrown up in fake apology. Draco opened the door and was about to step out when he turned to him with a smirk. "And yes, Blaise. It was absolutely delectable."

He could hear Blaise's laughter echo through the hall as he walked away, and Draco couldn't help but smile bashfully down at the floor at the reminder of last night.

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