Chapter Twenty-Seven: Greetings

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A/n: I changed the cover because when I made it I didn't really care what it looked like (I still don't, but whatever), so it looked really trashy. I was bored and thought why the hell not so I made something even trashier, but at least it's not just a random picture. As you can probably tell, graphic design is not my forte. Anyways, enjoy the chapter and if you have exams like me coming up then I wish you luck!

Draco nearly fell to the floor in relief when the day for everyone to come back from Christmas break arrived and the halls started to fill with chatter. Haisley had definitely helped make the two weeks more worthwhile, and he was glad to have a new friend, but he still slumped a bit when Blaise, Pansy, and Theo walked into the Slytherin common room with smiles on their faces.

The four caught up with each other and talked about their Christmas break—Draco omitting the part about Haisley, still unsure about Pansy's feelings on the matter. They each thanked one another for the Christmas gifts, and Pansy gushed endlessly to Theo about the bedazzling scarf he had gotten her that had probably cost his entire fortune.

She and Draco exchanged a few terse words, back to the way they were after he had talked to her about the Nutella thing and she had stalked off.

Well, Draco hadn't expected everything to go back to normal, so he did his best to keep a polite smile on his face and an open stance towards the girl.

Blaise smirked at him when he walked through the corridor, talking about how the music box Draco had gotten him had one of his mom's new husbands stare at ever since he laid eyes on it. Blaise said he was positive the man would have stolen it if he had not been so enamoured with one certain Mrs. Zabini. Draco had laughed, unsure about what he meant.

Theo thanked him for the books on ancient runes and arithmancy and he in turn did the same about his new quill that was enchanted to write out what people said.

The reunion was short and sweet and soon the three boys left for their dorm to get ready for supper and Pansy did the same, muttering something about showing off her new scarf to her roommates to make them jealous.

They met in the Great Hall and when Draco saw Green Eyes, he felt his whole body practically light up like a lumos maxima on full blast. His shoulders lifted upwards and he struggled not to grin at him, finally having time to ponder over his revelation about Draco liking Harry Potter.

Haisley had been right—somehow. (How she figured it out so quickly was completely beyond Draco as he always knew to keep his features a mask that had been resting on his face since he woke up in the hospital wing). But the girl had been able to blurt it out so suddenly and quickly with the realisation that she knew even before Draco, and only after knowing him for only a week and a half.

Was it really that obvious that he liked Harry?

The more he thought about it, the more it settled in until that was the only thing Draco could ever say he knew with absolute certainty about the new, crazy world he had woken up in. And wasn't that a strange notion?

He shook his head, sat down at his table, and stared surreptitiously at the Gryffindor table opposite the room, stealing quick glances in hope that Harry or Hermione saw so he could welcome them back from the Christmas break.

But it didn't happen. And the more Draco looked, the more he noticed that something wasn't quite right.

Harry looked downtrodden and forlorn, a strange look on his face that didn't fit the open, laughing face of the boy that Draco had a peek at in the room of requirement.

Hermione was similar, and kept shoving food onto Harry's plate until it was on the verge of falling off onto the table and onto the floor beneath them.

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