Chapter Twenty: Mornings

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A/n: It's my birthday today so I thought I would give y'all a present--one other than the fact that I was born XD 


Draco woke up to a certain Blaise Zabini yelling into his ear.

It had been late by the time he eventually made it back to his dorms, Draco seriously contemplating falling asleep right there in the hallway, damn the consequences.

Gradually and with no small amount of exhausted, annoyed huffs at the long walk, he made his way down the mutinous flights of stairs and endless corridors until he finally saw those wondrous, torturous last few steps down to the Slytherin dormitories.

Taking his time to make sure the traitorous legs of his didn't accidentally make him plummet down to his untimely demise, he carefully traversed down the steps, wishing he had a railing to cling on to.

Once he finally plopped down onto the last step, he whispered the password to the concrete slab of a wall and winced as it made a small creaking noise when it opened, hoping no one was sleeping on the couch in the common room.

Like anyone would dare to in a house of snakes, Draco thought—glad for once in his house's personality. Once he had made it to the hallway where he had started out in, he made his way down until he was in front of the door to his room. Using the password that the boys had come up with to lock it off to the rest of the house, he opened up the door slowly, allowing as little light as possible to get through.

He closed the door behind him and sneakily tiptoed to the edge of his bed which, unluckily, was on the far corner of the room. Draco, using the detection spell that he had been casting on the way to and from the room where he met Potter, carefully stepped over the small clutter on the floor, plopping with a sigh onto his comfortable bed and he barely had time to close his curtains before drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

Needless to say, it was quite a shock when he was abruptly woken up by his roommate shouting obscenities in his ear to get him to, "Bloody wake up already!"

Groaning, he rolled over, throwing the covers over his face. "G'way Blaise. M'trying to sleep."

"Not if you want to go to class, you aren't."

"And who says I want to go to class," Draco yawned, rolling over again and smiling into the warmth of his pillow.

"I do."

Draco didn't respond, eyes still closed and blanket still on.

"Draco Malfoy, don't you dare fall asleep on me."

"Too late," he murmured, already falling into the deep allure of sleep.

He would have accomplished it too if Blaise hadn't decided it would be the perfect time to jump on his stomach.

"Ah, What the hell?!" Draco yelled, sitting up—this task being a lot harder than it normally would have been due to the weight currently laying on his stomach.

"You weren't waking up," Blaise stated unapologetically, getting off Draco and patting down his ruffled robes. "That's what you get for not listening to me. Why are you so tired, anyways?"

"Couldn't fall asleep last night," Draco responded easily, the lie slipping off his tongue like it belonged there. In fact, it almost reminded him of the way when he first said Potter.

"Ya, well, next time you decide to not fall asleep, at least decide to wake up."

"Sure, Blaise, I'll remember to let my body know," he drawled.

"Oh don't be like that," the boy answered, throwing a pillow from his own bed at him. "The bathroom's free, by the way."

"And how, pray tell, am I supposed to work on my hair when it looks like a cursed strawberry?"

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