Chapter Twenty-One: Banter

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Draco wandered into the defence classroom after finishing his breakfast, travelling with his three friends. The four had split into two groups as they went to class, Draco walking with Blaise, and Theo still talking with Pansy like he had been all morning.

"Why did you leave for breakfast so early this morning?" Draco asked Blaise, thinking back to earlier when he had left the room.

"Wanted to have a head-start on eating," the boy answered flippantly, bringing his hand up in front of him to glance at his fingernails like they were freshly manicured.

Draco tilted his head to the side curiously. "It looked like you had just started eating your food when we walked into the Great Hall. I don't think you could possibly be eating that much food in that entire period of time."

"What can I say," he said, lifting up a shoulder in a half shrug, "I'm a growing boy."

Draco fought a snort. "You and I both know that's not the truth. Although you may be right that you are growing, you definitely went somewhere else this morning." He leaned in close to his face, peering at the boy's deep brown eyes that rested under his long eyelashes. "I would like to know where," he whispered.

Blaise turned defensive and his tone got cold and icy. "Where I went is none of your business."

"So you admit you went somewhere, then," Draco said, leaning back on his heels smugly, amused that he was able to get something out of him, even if it was vague.

"Yes," Blaise answered, and Draco decided it was time to end that particular part of the conversation based on the anger that was emanating from him.

If he didn't want Draco to know, that was fine by him. He told himself he wouldn't push him further, even though he was itching to know what Blaise had done earlier that morning.

Walking again, he changed the subject. "Did you end up finishing the essay that Snape said to write?"

Blaise smirked. "Yes. Did you?"

"Mostly," Draco answered, thoughts drifting awry again from the topic at hand at the reminder that he was going to meet the potions master on Friday. Which, if his daily checking of the date to make sure he always knew it (a side effect from losing his memory), was tomorrow.

"Speaking of Snape, I did finally talk to him. Did you know he was my godfather?"

"Of course I did," Blaise answered, affronted as if the question had offended him.

"And you didn't think that that was an important piece of information to tell me?"

"I thought he would have told you."

"No. I guess it wasn't on his top-priority list," Draco said simply, a small edge to his voice. Blaise definitely looked as though he had noticed, but he didn't say anything about it.

"Well, time to face the pink lady," he stated, the four of them coming up to the door of the defence classroom a few minutes before class would officially start.

Draco guffawed slightly. "That bitch? Please, I don't think I've learned a single thing from her the entire time I've been in her class since the Memory Catastrophe."

"Are you actually set on calling it that?" Blaise asked, sounding exasperated.

"Yes, and I would recommend you do the same since it is very easy to know what you're talking about when you say it."

"What else could we be talking about?"

"Do you like having a nose that you can breathe out of, Zabini?"

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