Chapter Two: Amusement

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"I wasn't joking about the bathroom thing, I really do need to go," Draco said as Green Eyes took him by the arm back the hospital wing after muttering something about Malfoy needing to be fixed.

He paused momentarily before grumbling another thing under his breath—he really needed to stop doing that—before turning the other way and bringing Draco in front of one the boys' lavatory. Draco just followed in amused succession, wondering what the hell had gotten the boy so riled up.

"Here we are. And don't take too long, I want to figure this out before I go absolutely insane."

"Oh, I'm sure you already have, love." Then Draco, beaming like a stupid idiot, left to the bathroom leaving Harry Potter with a mouth gaping wide open behind him.

After he did his business, Draco walked outside to see Green Eyes pacing divots into the hardwood floor. His hands were twitching by his sides and his teeth were making a horrible grinding noise as he bit his lip to try and stop it.

Draco had yet to actually take in all that was around him, and had spent a few minutes in the bathroom checking the place out and realising that it was most likely some high end magic school that he was in at the moment. The walls were decorated with intricate designs and clashing colours that he had cringed at. All in all though, it looked quite posh and ancient and Draco got the hope that he was quite rich to have been able to afford to go to a place like this. 

"Where were you?" Green Eyes hissed once he saw Draco.

"Oh, just taking a look around. I do hope you understand," he said, furrowing his brows in an attempt to look slightly apologetic.

"You've been going here for the past five years! I should hope you know what the bathroom looks like."

"Well it's not my fault I never took the time to really appreciate the beauty that is," Draco said with an eye roll to try to distract him from the fact that if this wasn't a school then he was really screwed.

Green Eyes just looked confused. Then, with a large huff he grabbed Draco's arm and started to yank him back to the direction of the hospital place. Suddenly Draco stopped dead in his tracks, something popping up in his eye that seemed like a memory.

Large hands pulled his own down while pain seared unbearingly across his back. A shadow seemed to loom behind him, but it was all blurry from the tears streaming out of his face, blocking his view from what was striking something on his back. It was sharp, and felt like teeth jarring into his back with a force that he knew would leave marks. It was dark where he was, a musty smell filling his nostrils to the point where he almost choked on it, bile rising to his throat from the blinding pain as the strikes continued.

Something that sounded a lot like his name was being shouted and he came back to himself crouching on the floor of the hallway, shivering in the fetal position.

"Malfoy? Malfoy are you alright?" Green Eyes was peering down at him from where he was standing in the hallway, eyes filled with a bit of concern but mostly wariness. Draco took a look around him to see that he was back in the hallway, the thing he saw obviously being some kind of memory, and he continued to shake at the implications of it.

His mind was reeling, unable to concentrate on anything.

Who was that? Where did that happen? And who the hell was hitting him with something?!

His breaths were coming out short and quick and he forced himself to calm down. He focused on the floor beneath him and the wall behind his back until he had his breathing under control and he looked up to Green Eyes and mumbled a quick "I'm fine," before standing up and patting down the pyjama-like hospital clothes he was wearing in an attempt to look regal.

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