Chapter Thirty-Nine: Talking

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A/n: I think I have truly peaked as a writer in this chapter. It has my heart <3 (It also had me squealing like an overexcited mouse, but we don't talk about it)

Draco's arse was really starting to hurt.

The flimsy wooden chair was nothing compared to the one in the Room of Requirement, the cushioning charm that he had placed not adding much to the uncomfortable wood. He was scared of what might have happened if he hadn't placed the charm and shivered at the morbid thought.

Shifting around in his seat, he tried to pay attention to Harry, really he did, but honestly, his backside had had enough.

"Merlin, Morgana, and everyone in between, I can't do this anymore," Draco stated suddenly, standing up out of that horrid thing and stopping Harry's speech about a Patronus or something else—who really knew at this point.

"What is it?" Harry asked from where he seemed comfortable on his seat.

Of course he bloody is. I'm sure he learned just the cushioning charm in that stupid defence class of his, the bugger.

"If I sit on that chair any longer, I doubt I'll be able to produce any bodily fluid again for the rest of my life."

Harry scrunched up his nose like a rabbit and his forehead crinkled. "What?"

"That chair," Draco vehemently spouted, pointing to the culprit of his pain. "Is the most intolerable thing I've ever sat on. If I'm forced to rest on it for any longer, I'm afraid my backside might just properly fall off."

"Oh." Harry's cheeks turned red and he pushed his lips together as if holding a snort. He obviously failed and snorted into his hands, covering his face with his palms.

"Is that why you've been making a face this whole time?" he said, then had to laugh again. Draco frowned.

"What face? I haven't been making a face."

"Oh," Hary scoffed, taking his hands off from his reddened cheeks and rolling his eyes. "Sure you weren't. I just thought you had gotten bored by all my talking."

"No," Draco said, looking away and pretending like his face wasn't matching the colours of Harry's. "Just too preoccupied with a piece of wood." He was about to sit down, but then remembered why he had shot out of the seat in the first place and just managed to stand there awkwardly. "So," Draco said and told himself not to swing his arms beside him like a child. "How did teaching them a Patronus go? I assume it was quite challenging."

"Actually, it went pretty well I think. Even on the first day, a few people were getting wisps. But it's not like me when I first learned it. For one, they were in a safe room full of happy people, and two, they didn't have to do it in front of a dementor," Harry remarked with a shudder. Draco wondered what the story behind that could possibly be.

"Do you—" Draco started. He took a deep breath. "Do you think you could teach it to me? It sounds very interesting."

"Aren't you supposed to be teaching me? I still haven't exactly mastered occlumency yet," he remarked bitterly.

"Harry," Draco answered softly. "There's not much else I can do. I can check if your shields have gotten stronger, but I think for now you need to stick with meditating. And when I say meditating, I mean that if you have to do it in Binn's class as well as doing it before you go to sleep—although there's not much difference between the two—then go for it, because that's much more important than whatever that ghost could ever teach you about."

Harry sighed in defeat. "Do you really want to learn it?"

Draco grinned triumphantly. "Absolutely."

"Okay," Harry huffed, walking over to where Draco was still standing. At least he wasn't the only one now so it didn't feel as awkward anymore, which was a great relief.

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