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The night after MIranda told Ben that she broke up with Eli, He was sitting home trying to figure out why Miranda wouldn't allow him to be the one to be there for her while she was healing.

He couldn't understand why. He was sure that Eli couldn't give her what he could. He would have given her all the space, time, and love she needed. 

Even with Miranda telling him that her breaking up with Eli had nothing to do with her, he knew it was a lie. He just wanted to treat her right. Give her all the love she deserved. But why should he fight to give her his love if she didn't want it? 

He loved that woman with all his heart; that's why he was waiting for her. How could she do this to him? Granted, they were not together, but they were just on a break in his mind. He knew she would come back to him.

At least he thought she would come back to him. They were destined for so much more. He was now determined to get his answers.

Somehow, he found himself sitting outside of her apartment. How did he end up here? The woman that he loved endlessly, not his to claim? 

He couldn't take it anymore. He sent a text to Miranda, asking if they could talk. A few moments later, she texted him back, saying she would call him in a little while.

He told her that this talk had to be in person. He needed to see her face and her body language as they spoke. 

Miranda told him that she was home, but maybe they could plan to go somewhere. He said no need as he would just come to her. Little did she know he was already outside. She finally agreed, and he said that he would be there shortly.

Ben had to get his mind right before he went inside. He knew it was so much that he needed to get off his chest, so much that he needed to. He was trying to make sense of it all.

After pulling himself together for 15 minutes, he put on his confident swagger and made his way into her apartment. At her door, he took a deep breath before knocking. 

Soon the door was opening, and there stood the love of his life that wasn't his, ushering him inside.

He walked into the living room, waiting on her to join him. When she joined him, she had a bottle of wine and two wine glasses in her hands.

Ben took the time to take in her appearance. She was so beautiful, even in her pajama pants and T-shirt. She looked comfortable and downright gorgeous. Another glance at the T-shirt had him realizing that it was his that he'd left there sometime before.

That comforted him, that fact that something that belonged to him brought her some sense of comfort.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" She asked as she sat the wine glasses and bottle on the table, taking a seat, knowing that he wouldn't sit until she did.

He took a seat and poured them some wine, handing her a glass. After taking a sip of his, he let out a breath. "I just want to know why?" He spit out.

Miranda looked a little taken back. "Why what?" She asked, taking a sip of her wine.

In a serious tone, he said, "Why him and not me, Miranda?" 

It was now her turn to let out a breath. She took another sip of her wine and set the glass on the table.

"We were going so fast, and after the shooting," she paused, remembering that horrid day. "I just needed to be alone to work through my stuff." She picked her glass back up.

"I could have been there for you." He replied, turning to look at her again.

"I didn't want to ruin what we had, it was so beautiful, and I didn't want it to get tangled in all of that." She looked at him over her wine glass.

"So why him?" Ben asked, wiping over his face. 

"He was there; there were no strings, initially. Just sex, but he caught feelings." she shook her head at the thought. She had told Eli she wasn't looking for a relationship.

"Anything he could have done, I can do better." He said, taking a sip of his wine. "I know you." 

His statement had taken Miranda back a little. She knew that that was true, but she didn't want to hurt him.

"I just didn't want to hurt you in the process of my healing," She said, refilling her wine glass, she offered to refill his, and he accepted.

"Baby, we could have talked about it" Him calling her baby took them both back. He didn't mean to; it just kind of slipped out.

"Ben, "She stated.

"My bad, old habits die hard." He let out a breath. "Anything you wanted, I could have provided, I still can," He continued.

"Ben, I-" Miranda was lost for words, she didn't know what to say, and that didn't happen often.

"Miranda, I was Head over heels for you." He said.

"Was?" She asked, looking back up into his eyes.

"Miranda, I will always love you. That's part of the reason why I'm trying to understand this." He said honestly.

"I love you too, Ben" That had taken him back, "Still. That's part of the reason why I left him. He wanted to get serious, and the only person I can see myself with is you." She was surprising both of them at this point. She was surprised at herself for saying it out loud, and he was surprised that she was sharing her feelings.

"Miran-" He started.

"No, Ben listen." She put her hand on his leg. "I still love you, and finally seeing you again brought back everything that I felt when we were together before. No one can make me feel the way you do."

Ben touched her face, searching her eyes for any lies. He found none. Everything that she was saying was genuine. 

"Thar's all I need to hear" With that, he pulled her in for a passionate kiss that left them both panting.

When they pulled apart, Miranda stood to her feet and held out a hand for Ben. He took, and she led him back to her bedroom.

"I'm all yours, forever," She said as she pushed the door close behind them and pulled him in for a kiss.

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