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"Are you serious?! Last time you let him walk her home, now you're agreeing for him to take her out?!" Teppei kept a calm smile and patted his back.

"Relax, it's not a date. They're just gonna grab some food, Kagami." He says, but that did not reassure him one bit. Anything that was involving Aomine seriously ticked him off.

"I will never forgive that Aomine if something happens to her!!"

"kagami-kun, please calm down."


"Achoo!" Aomine immediately covers his nose.

"Are you okay?" His companion, the ravenette asked as the waiter served their meals, Aomine was somehow fulfilling his duties as Mui's friend (bitch) and took her out for lunch.

"Yeah, I just got annoyed all of a sudden...." He says, scratching his nape.

Clearly the red head was pissed since they have a game today and they wanted Mui to be there. But Aomine did have a nice talk with Kiyoshi, saying he'll take her to watch their game after this, that's why the brunette agreed.

Aomine was about to eat when he noticed the ravenette girl was blankly staring at her meal.

"What's wrong?"

"There's something missing on my food.... I don't know but it's really ticking me off..." Mui mumbled whilst having a glaring contest with her meal.

Aomine puts down his chopsticks and looks at her plate, so far nothing was missing, it was rice, egg rolls, sausage......then it hit him.

The flag.

A low chuckle escapes his lips while shaking his head, Aomine grabs something from his jacket's pocket and sticks it on top of her rice. He knew this would come in handy every time they go out to eat back then and it sure did work today.

"Here you go Mui, your flag." Her mint green eyes shines in admiration, and confusion too. She didn't ask for it, she didn't even knew she wanted it, but how come it made her so happy?

Aomine noticed the slight hesitation on her face so he pats her head, letting her come back to her senses.

"Just go eat. You wouldn't want to miss Tetsu's match right?" He says. The ravenette nodded and started eating.

"I didn't know flags are so cool." Aomine heard her mumble before taking another sausage. The navy blue haired chuckles, recalling a certain event where she said the exact same thing in the past.

Mui finished eating her meal, and Aomine didn't even realize he was staring at her for so long. He just regained his senses when the ravenette asked him something.

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