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A/N: surprise. I'm not dead.


Declaration of war


"That's not possible." Mikey shook his head as he stood up, he will never accept it, not once in his life he ever expect that one day Mui will stand against him. That he'll end up fighter her.

"You heard what Satsuki said, Mikey." Emma spoke in a low tone, trying carefully not to set off the blonde male. Right now, the founding members of toman sat across Takemitchy's living room trying to comprehend what's about to come.

"Still!—" Mikey took a deep breath as he ruffled his hair in frustration. "I don't want to fight her, she's our sister."

"Who the hell even said we're even fighting her?!" Baji slammed hisfist against the table due to his short temper.

"Calm down Baji." Says Mitsuya. "But, Kuroko did say he saw Mui getting close with Hanma and Kisaki."

"Who?" Draken questioned.

"Kuroko, He's one of Mui's close friends." Says the lilac haired male. " And I don't know about you guys but that sounds bad news."

"That Kisaki, I don't like that guy." Baji spat. "AND I DON'T LIKE IT EVEN MORE THAT HE'S TRAILING OUR MUI—"

"Calm down, Baji." Mitsuya, once again glared at him. "But, Takemitchy did also warn us about Kisaki. He has a motive. "

Draken clicked his tongue, yesterday he just got back from talking to Kazutora, and he had no intention in backing down. Now he also had to think about Mui, and that kisaki. " what are we gonna do? At this point we have no idea what's going on inside Mui's mind. And I don't know 'bout you guys but if that Kisaki wanted to gain her trust, I'm sure he had already told her about Kazutora."

"And what happened that night."

Everyone fell silent and couldn't utter another word, their eyes then narrowed at Mikey who stood from his seat abruptly.

"I need to see Mui, right now. Before that Kisaki could even poisom her mind."

• • •

The roars of engines woke Kagami up from his slumber.

He was already at school, and it has been exactly four days that Mui didn't show up for class. At first he thought she was just being herself, ditching, and assuming she'll come back  once she feels like it. But she didn't.

Aomine was too worried that he actually went to  Seirin everyday just to see if Mui had showed up. He tried contacting her, going to her apartment, but still no sign of her. It's like she completely shut everyone out.

"Who are those guys?" One of their classmates stood from their seat to peek through the window. Kuroko and Kagami shared a few glance before rushing there, and saw a few guys their age on their bikes. Their aura, was trully intimidating, asnif they were waiting for someone outside their school just to beat them up.

"Those guys look scary." The two heard a few whispers.

"Look scary? Dude, they're literally part of a gang!"


"I heard that short one is their leader."

"I think I see Mikey-kun." Kagami was almost startled by rhe voice behind him, but it was only Kuroko.

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