Chapter 4: Saving a Life

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Chapter 4

Erik's POV

As I stand in the clearing facing Madame Giry's car, I still have the redhead girl on my mind. Her delicate skin and shockingly bright eyes are etched into my head. As Madame Giry rambles on, I replay my memories of the girl with the violin case.

"Erik!" Madame Giry interrupts my thoughts. "Are you listening while I'm talking?"

"Mmm," I hum distantly as a response while my eyes fix on a tree. I nod slightly for effect but given by the look she gives me, I can tell she knows my mind is elsewhere.

"Would you like me to drive you home?" She asks loudly. "You'll freeze to death out here!"

"I wouldn't mind that," I sigh and break my gaze at the tree to face the woman. "I'll be alright. I can take care of myself."

"You do a very good job at that, too," Madame Giry rolls her eyes.

"Hold your tongue, woman," I warn. "Before I lose my temper."

"How do I put up with you?"

"I'm not entirely sure," I mutter. "Yet you're still here. I've done worse, but you never leave."

"I feel somewhat responsible for you," Madame Giry admits. I know she had a mother-like instinct toward me, but this?

"No," I reply. "You pity me." I pick up the bag of supplies with one hand and tip my hat at the car with the other. "Good day." I turn on my heel and walk back into the trees. A few seconds later, I hear the engine start back up and the crunching of leaves beneath car tires.

For a while, I had forgot about my encounter with the girl. As soon as Madame Giry's car speeds off, she returns to my mind. I close my eyes and shake my head to clear my thoughts.

"This is torture," I whisper hatefully. "It's gotten to the point that I can't even meet a human being without them plaguing me." Deep down, however, I know that this girl isn't like others I've met. Something about her is special. I wish I could figure out what.

It's too late now. There's no way I'll see her again, and I won't go through the trouble of tracking her down. I wouldn't be able to confront her, anyway. "If only this mask- this face- wasn't in the way of everything."

A branch suddenly snags on my hat, which tumbles off my head and onto the ground. I bend down to study it. I notice that it's wet from the snow now, and little scratches cover the front from the branch. Sighing, I add my hat to the bag of supplies from Madame Giry.

I smooth my hand over my wig and adjust my mask with a scowl. How I hate being force to hide behind false things. I must never remove my mask or wig in the presence of others, though. Nobody can bear the sight of me.

After an hour of walking, I reach the steep hill that I walk past to get to my home. This time, however, a familiar violin case is at the top. "Where's the girl?" I wonder aloud.

My eyes travel down the hill and land on the girl at the bottom. It's obvious that she's unconscious, and blood can be spotted from here. Without a second thought, I sprint down the hill while clutching my supplies. I must help the girl, or she will die alone in the forest.

"Girl!" I call to check that she can't hear me. I get my answer when she doesn't respond. I set my supplies to the side to better examine her injuries. Blood has soaked through her green pea coat and my cheeks turn red as I realize that I'll have to take off her shirt to help her.

I awkwardly fumble with the button of her coat. I lift the girl slightly and lay her so she's lying with her back on my legs so she isn't touching the snow. I mentally struggle to remove her shirt, because I feel as if I'm violating her.

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