Chapter 7: In the Library

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Raeann's POV

After two days, Erik and I finish Les Misérables. It's been great spending time with him- especially because  I haven't gotten out of bed since I almost fainted in the music room- but we haven't had any real conversations. Erik continued being somewhat detached  after our laughing fit.

Sighing, he sets down the book and turns his attention to me. "I think we'll have to start another one," he smirks. I haven't gotten him to smile again, and I miss it.

"Can I come along?" I ask, eager to stretch my legs after three days of bed rest.

"Hmm," Erik ponders. "You really should stay in bed, but you might be fine to walk a short distance. The library is only right down the hall..."

"And I've love to see this 'extensive collection of literature' of yours," I smile and shift in bed, ready to stand up.

"Fine," Erik gives in. "But I have to help you walk."

Or you could carry me. I flinch at my thoughts. What has gotten into me? Do I like when he touches me?

Yeah. I do.

"Um... sure," I try to sound as calm as possible, but my heart pounds at my realization.

Erik obviously realized how anxious I was, but he didn't say anything. However, his eyes showed a bit of hurt. Dang, does he think I don't want him near me? I do.

I smile as my feet brush the floor beside my bed. Erik is hesitant, but helps me stand while touching me as little as possible.

As Erik guides me to the door, I lean my head against his shoulder and hold his hand tightly. I feel his warm skin and my heart flutters. Does he feel like this, too?

I hear his breathing quicken and I sense his fear. I look up at his face to see that he's holding back tears. He seems so scared, so helpless.

I begin to pull away, but he squeezes my hand back. He stares straight forward like nothing's happening, but his lip quivers slightly and his eyes widen when I rest my head against  his shoulder again.

I feel tingly and walk on clouds as we continue towards the library. Time freezes and I  suddenly feel like I'm on the brink of tears. He squeezed my hand back.

"We're here," Erik mumbles sadly and I can tell he's disappointed that our walk had to end. I am too, but I suck in a breath and pull away.

We meet eyes for a second, and I see stars glistening in his. I wonder if he can see them in mine. He turns the knob and opens the door without looking away. I force myself to look into the room.

I gasp in shock at the extraordinary sight before me. The lights are off in the library, but I can see that the walls are painted a very dark brown. The carpets are hardwood, but a large green, printed carpet lays on the floor. Several armchairs and a small fancy couch are on the carpet, in front of a lit fireplace.

The back of the room is covered in bookshelves. Six gigantic shelves that almost reach the high ceiling run to the wall in the back. Ladders are propped up against them, and I'm surprised that it didn't take him longer to find Les Misérables.

"Erik, it's wonderful," I sigh and step into paradise. He shuts the door behind me and joins me. When I look up at his masked face, I see that he's smiling again.

His smile fills my heart with sunshine and I bask in it's warmth for a few sweet moments. Erik seems to shrink back after a bit so I stop staring, wondering if I had intimidated him.

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