Chapter 13: Imprisoned

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Raeann's POV

I stay silent as Erik hands me the bag of clothing and toiletries he got from Madame Giry. His tall frame blocks the door to keep me from running. After a few seconds of staring blankly at each other, Erik shuts the door and I hear a click. Of course he'd lock the door.

I roll my eyes and sink down so that I'm sitting against the wooden surface of the door. This is my prison, but a prison that's held happiness before today. The copy of Les Misérables still rests in it's lonely spot on the night stand.

I dreamed a dream and time gone by

That hope was high and life worth living

I softly sing the first few verses to myself. Life for me was pointless until I met Erik, and now I can't be anything more than a prisoner to him.

I had a dream my life would be

So different from this hell I'm living

I rest my head between my knees, which I'm hugging with my arms. I feel tears run down my cheeks and dribble on my white shirt.

I think I still love him. How can I? He kidnapped me, he's a murderer, and he's proven himself to be absolutely insane.

As much as I may love him, we can't be together. I can't after what he's done. He doesn't even love me. He never while.

Now life has killed the dream I dreamed...

I wipe my tears and decide to stop moping. I can't let Erik know how much this is affecting me. He'll suspect that I'll try to escape if I keep this up.

I wrack my brain for ideas on how to get out of here. The window could work, but it's too obvious. Plus it's still sunny outside. Perhaps I'll go after Erik falls asleep.

I smack my head with a hand. He never sleeps. No wonder he could pretend to be a ghost. I know I need to think of something else. Something foolproof...

Erik's a genius, so maybe I'll escape in a very obvious way. He wouldn't ever suspect then...

I sigh as I remember my stitches. They'll make it difficult to run quickly or climb if I choose to take the window as a last resort. I can't get anything done with my injuries.

After lots of pacing and muttered profanity, I stop. A sick, terrible idea comes through my mind. If I get a heavy object and wait here until Erik opens the doors again, I can knock him unconscious.

"No," I shake my head and become mad at myself for considering harming him. I don't ever want to be the cause of his pain. Besides, he's gone through enough in his life.

I start pacing again, this time in deep thought about my feelings. I should want to inflict pain on him... But I don't.

"It's crazy to fall in love with somebody in four days," I whisper to myself. "But it's insane to love somebody you know is a criminal."

My thoughts are interupted when I clumsily trip over the bag of supplies in front of the door. I land with a thud onto the wooden floor, narrowly avoiding a collision with the dresser.

If I'm going to be here for a while, I might as well see what I'll be wearing. I lift myself to a seated position and take the black bag in my hands. I carefully unzip it, almost like I expect it to be full of snakes.

I gasp at what I do see. A beautiful arrangement of vibrantly colored clothing is folded nearly inside. Checking the tags, I notice that they're all name brands. Gosh... Even I don't but name brand clothes.

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