Chapter 8: Falling for Him

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Raeann's POV

I slowly begin to wake up to the feeling that something other than a pillow is under my head. With a yawn, I remember the events of last night. I smile soundly before sitting up to find Erik in the same position as he was when I fell asleep on him.

"Erik," I rub my eyes. "Have you been awake this whole time?"

"No," he yawns, making me doubt that he's telling the truth.

"Erik?" I tilt my head and gaze into his tired eyes, hoping to make him tell the truth.

"Yes," he sighs. Men.

"Why?" I scrunch my forehead. "I wouldn't have minded if you fell asleep."

"I know," Erik slumps back.

"Then why didn't you?" I cross my arms in frustration.

"Because," he says admittedly. "I was scared you'd take off my mask if I fell asleep." I roll my eyes and move closer to Erik.

"You don't want me to take off your mask?" I ask, knowing what his response will be.

"Of course not," he states it like it's common knowledge. I nod in agreement.

"Then I won't," I promise. "You can't stop me from being curious of what's under it, but I have enough self control to stop myself from taking it off. Plus, I don't want to do anything you're uncomfortable with."

Erik's eyes are doubtful, yet grateful. "Thank you, Raeann," he flashes a half smile, which I find extremely attractive. I blush and bite my lip nervously, attempting to ignore the butterflies in my stomach.

"You're welcome," My heart beats fast and I feel myself slipping into his eyes. The deep brown welcomes me in and I'm cloaked in both night and day. Erik is both the darkness and the light in this world.

"Breakfast?" Erik offers. "I found out how to make pancakes for you." I feel flooded with joy simply because he learned to do something just to please me.

"Of course," I feel like I'm glowing. "I have to use the restroom first, but I'll meet you downstairs."

"Alright," Erik waves at me before closing the door, leaving me alone. I close my eyes and replay our conversation. He learned to make pancakes for me. I blush deeply and let out a small squeal.

"Oh goodness," my smile falters as I realize something. "I like him. I really like him." I rest my head in my hands and sigh. I've known him for four days, and I already like him as more than a friend!

I groan  and lift my body up, walking into the private restroom. But when I pull down my pants, my underwear is stained red. Oh, God. No. Now I have to tell Erik. My face pales at the thought.

I fix myself up before awkwardly trudging into the stairs. I peek into the kitchen, where Erik is cracking eggs into a bowl. Well, here goes nothing.

"Erik," I smile, moving beside him and looking at the recipe. I begin to measure flour while taking deep breaths.

"You don't have to help if you don't want to," Erik moves to the sink with a measuring cup to retrieve the correct amount of water.

"You say that every morning, and I still help," I smirk and grab the measuring cup from Erik.

"You're stubborn," he comments.

"And you're not?"

"Fair point," Erik pulls a whisk out of a drawer so we can stir the batter. I hold the bowl while he stirs, and my heart rate speeds up when our hands touch.

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