Chapter 15: Stronger Feelings

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Raeann's POV

My eyes flutter open and I roll over in bed to see that a new day is dawning outside my window. I sit up quickly in realization that I must have fallen asleep last night while I was thinking about what happened with Erik.

After our incident in the morning, Erik only came back up to give me dinner. I don't think he intentionally forgot to give me lunch, because all I could hear coming from the music room was a haunting melody being played continuously. He most likely hasn't slept all night, because I hear footsteps pacing around on the wooden floor across the hall.

I frown as I notice I'm still wearing my jeans, so I hop out of bed to get changed. I showered yesterday, as that's what I do when in deep thought. I pull my red hair into a French braid and put on a red sweater with black leggings. I quickly brush my teeth and hope that Erik will quit pacing and come in with food.

I suddenly get the feeling that I'm forgetting something. I tap my foot and walk around the room, trying to recall what I've forgotten. Then it dawns on me.

"It's Thanksgiving," I whisper with a smile. I need to give Erik a great Thanksgiving to help him. I don't think he's one to celebrate holidays.

I wait expectantly until I hear the familiar sound of the key twisting in the lock. I sit on the edge of my bed, as usual, right before the door opens.

"Good morning, Erik," I greet nonchalantly, crossing one leg over the other. I notice that Erik looks even worse than before, with dark circles under his eyes and a grim expression.

When he doesn't respond, I move closer to him. "Erik, are you okay?" He nods slowly, but I see through his facade.

I gasp in horror as I notice that the bottom of his mask is stained red. Some dried blood is caked at the bottom, and I can tell it's from his face.

"Erik, please," I plead. "What happened?" He doesn't say anything, but places the tray of food on my bed.

As he turns to leave, I leap to my feet and run up to him. I lightly put my hands on his shoulders and turn him around so he's facing me.

"Erik," I choke out before tightly embracing him. I burry my head into his chest and let out a broken sob. He stay still, as if scared, but I only pull him closer to me.

"Erik, please don't tell me you hurt yourself! " I cry into his shirt. "Please!"

I look up to see Erik staring down at me blankly. I get my answer. More tears fill my eyes and stream down my cheeks, but he stays motionless.

Gently, I run my fingers across the surface of his mask. Holding back the urge to tear it off, I touch the blood. I take his hand and lead him to my bed, pushing him down so he's forced to sit.

I scurry to the bathroom to gather things to clean the blood with, including a few bandages. When I come back to my room, Erik is stationary on my bed. I smile a bit that he didn't run off. I want to help him.

I sit down next to him and turn his head to face me. I begin to wipe up the blood and clean the surface of his mask. Erik's eyes are looking anywhere but at me, and I feel like a nurse of sorts.

When I'm finished, I place my hand on the right side of his face. The smooth surface of the mask feels cold against my skin, and I let my hand linger. Our eyes suddenly meet, and my heart fills to the brim with so much love and joy that I feel ready to burst.

I love you more than you can ever know. I look at his lips--which seem like they're soft--and am overwhelmed by the urge to lean in and kiss him.

Instead, I take his hand in mine and sigh. "Erik, please promise me not to do something like that again. I can't bare to see you in pain."

I wonder if the last part was a bit much to add, but it's true. I care about Erik more than myself--more than my own life--and seeing him inflict harm on himself breaks my heart.


Erik's POV

Raeann's hand closes tighter over mine as I look down at her in shock. She cares. She actually cares about me. She doesn't want me to be hurt.

I think back to last night. I wept at my piano and thought of what Raeann had said about someone who's different coming into my life. I began to play my song for Christine, but the notes soon changed and I composed a new one for Raeann.

As my fingers danced across the keys, I considered my feelings towards her. Something about her makes me think less about Christine. I feel normal around her. But I also get the same fluttering feeling in my chest that I got around Christine, only stronger. In that moment, I realized that I loved her.

My playing sped up along with my heartbeat. I love Raeann. I love her so much. How could I not have realized? My heart dropped as I thought about her beauty. She is gorgeous, shimmering, kind, and full of light, all of which I can never be.

The thoughts that I'd never find somebody who cared increased. As did the rage growing within me. I tore my mask from my face and scratched my hands down my skin until I felt the dark liquid spill onto my hands.

I stare at the girl in front of me. She had cleaned what she could of my wounds, and touched my mask twice without removing it. The last time she touched it, however, her hand lingered, making my heart pound and soar.

Again she repeats her question,"Do you promise?" In my state of awe, I'm unable to reply. I nod weakly and let my eyes capture ever beautiful detail of her body. She's stunning.

"It's Thanksgiving," she suddenly says to me. I don't know how to react, for I've never celebrated Thanksgiving--or any holiday-- before.

"I suppose it is," I nod slightly and see that Raeann has her head titled and looks sad.

"You've never celebrated Thanksgiving, have you?" She raises an eyebrow. I shake my head again and she gasps.

"Can we do Thanksgiving together?" She pleads, her entrancing eyes growing larger.

Why would she want to? Why does she even care to be around me? I'm keeping her here against her will, yet she's acting like it's natural.

"I don't know if I trust you to leave this room," As much as I hate to admit it, it's true. She could be toying with me so she attempt to escape.

"I won't run," I gaze into her truthful eyes and know that she isn't lying. Should I trust her?

"You can trust me," she adds, as though reading my mind.

"Alright," I give in. "I guess we can." Raeann almost leaps off the bed with excitement.

"Thank you, Erik!" She exclaims before wrapping me in a tight embrace, one that I find completely surprising. Why is she being so kind to me?

"Come on," she takes me by the hand and begins to lead me from the room, neglecting the breakfast on the foot of her bed. I curiously follow.

What does she have planned?

Yet another short chapter... I'm working on the next one right now, and I'm kind of procrastinating with So Lost, So Helpless. I officially have the rest of this book planned out! I'm warning you, it's going to go quickly from here... Hopefully you guys don't totally hate me by the end, because I have something planned...

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