Author's Note

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It's over! *sobs and hugs readers*

Writing this book has been an incredible experience, and I need to thank you guys from the bottom of my heart. Honestly, your comments have made this amazing for me and one of my favorite things ever is looking through them and laughing.

I'm so glad that people actually read my book, and I seriously love you guys. As cliche as it sounds, you guys have inspired me to keep up with my writing!

Now, time for business.

I'll have the sequel, Attached by Fate, posted as soon as possible! I may or may not be working on other (unpublished) things... I have to make a cover, and God knows I'm terrible at that... I also uploaded a new book (Library of Life), which is me digging up a bunch of old writing and making sarcastic comments about it. Check that out if you'd like...

Again, thanks so much for making my time writing Small Anomalies worth it! And forgive me for sinking your ship! That's it... I hope you enjoyed this story!

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